The Synthesis report provides a high-level overview of the main themes addressed in the Guidelines on mitigating biodiversity impacts associated with solar and wind energy development, published in 2021.
This report provides insight into the rationale and feasability of declaring a protected area for the Vjosa Valley, along with the management objectives and associated protected area categories that would ensure the conservation of the area's key values.
Sovinc, Andrej
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO)
Although all coastal development projects in Lebanon typically require an environmental impact assessment (EIA), biodiversity has rarely been given specific or appropriate consideration in the EIA process.
Спорт может оказывать значительное негатив-ное воздействие на биоразнообразие из-за строительства и использования спортивных объектов и проведения спортивных мероприя-тий.
Estado das Áreas Protegidas e de Conservação na África Oriental e Austral é o primeiro relatório que reúne informação sobre áreas1 protegidas e de conservação para toda a região da África Oriental e Austral. A região da África Oriental e Austral abrange 24 países desde a África do Sul no
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)
Biodiversity and Protected Area Management (BIOPAMA) Programme
État des aires protégées et de conservation d’Afrique orientale et australe est le premier rapport regroupant des informations sur les aires protégées et de conservation dans l’ensemble de la région d’Afrique de l’Est et du Sud.
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)
Biodiversity and Protected Area Management (BIOPAMA) Programme
Le déclin de nombreuses espèces en voie d’extinction a largement orienté les efforts de conservation de manière à ce que ces espèces continuent d’exister.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Species Conservation Success Task Force
El declive de muchas especies hacia la extinción ha motivado que los esfuerzos de conservación se centren en asegurar que las especies sigan existiendo.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Species Conservation Success Task Force
This Guidance for using the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions accompanies the Global Standardto provide the scientific basis and guidance for users.
Esta guía resume la investigación sobre la intersección entre el género y la pesca de captura, explorando las formas en que la pesca ofrece importantes puntos de entrada para mejorar la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento económico de las mujeres, al tiempo que contribuye a intervenciones más
Siles Calvo, Jackeline
Prebble, Maria
Wen, Jamie
Hart, Corinne
Schuttenberg, Heidi
IUCN Global Programme on Governance and Rights (GPGR)
These guidelines address planning and management of privately protected areas (PPAs) and the guidance is aimed principally at practitioners and policy makers, who are or may be involved with PPAs.
Mitchell, Brent
Stolton, Sue
Bezaury-Creel, Juan
Bingham, Heather C.
Cumming, Tracey L.
Dudley, Nigel
Fitzsimons, James
Malleret-King, Delphine
Redford, Kent H.
Solano, Pedro
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
IUCN, Global Protected Areas Programme
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Privately Protected Areas and Nature Stewardship Specialist Group
The Endangered Turks and Caicos rock iguana, Cyclura carinata, is found only on the islands and cays of Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), and on Booby Cay in The Bahamas, northwest of Providenciales.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Iguana Specialist Group
Competence frameworks are widely used in many professional sectors, helping to develop capacity by defining and recognising the required skills, knowledge and personal attributes.
These guidelines offer an approach for developing a corporate-level biodiversity strategic plan, including measurable goals and objectives and a set of core linked indicators, that will allow companies to measure their biodiversity performance across their operations.
El presente documento es contentivo del Programa Nacional de Conservación de Ecosistemas Terrestres con cobertura boscosa en Honduras (PNCET). Este Programa constituye uno de los dos instrumentos de planificación que ha priorizado el país para implementar la Estrategia Nacional de REDD+.
Flores, J.
Martínez, A.
Alvarado, M.
Vallejo, M.
Padilla, F.
IUCN, Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC)
This Guidance for using the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions accompanies the Global Standardto provide the scientific basis and guidance for users.
Although all coastal development projects in Lebanon typically require an environmental impact assessment (EIA), biodiversity has rarely been given specific or appropriate consideration in the EIA process.
Illegal trade in wildlife has increased dramatically over the past decade; however, so have enforcement efforts aimed at mitigating this threat. Successful enforcement often involves the seizure and confiscation of wild species from diverse taxa of plants, animals and fungi.
This Guidance for using the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions accompanies the Global Standardto provide the scientific basis and guidance for users.
Conflict and conservation focuses on armed conflict and nature. The theme is highly timely as armed conflicts cause great economic and social harm, as well as environmental damage around the world.
This report provides insight into the rationale and feasability of declaring a protected area for the Vjosa Valley, along with the management objectives and associated protected area categories that would ensure the conservation of the area's key values.
Sovinc, Andrej
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO)
O relatório traz informações e dados selecionados sobre a qualidade física, química e biológica da água e uma visão geral da biodiversidade terrestre, de água doce e marinha na bacia do Rio Doce desde o rompimento da barragem até o momento atual.
The report contextualises the current status of water quality and biodiversity in the Rio Doce watershed, providing selected data and information on the physical, chemical and biological quality of the water and an overview of the terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity since the dam rupt
En ecosistemas terrestres, dulceacuícolas y marinos, los corredores ecológicos son una designación de conservación necesaria para asegurar la salud de los ecosistemas.
Hilty, Jodi
Worboys, Graeme L.
Keeley, Annika
Woodley, Stephen
Lausche, Barbara J.
Locke, Harvey
Carr, Mark
Pulsford, Ian
Pittock, Jamie
White, J. Wilson
Theobald, David M.
Levine, Jessica
Reuling, Melly
Watson, James E.M.
Ament, Rob
Tabor, Gary M.
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group
The passing of the IUCN Resolution 041 (Development of objective criteria for a Green List of species, ecosystems and protected areas) at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Jeju Island, South Korea in September 2012 provided an important indication of government and NGO support for the princ
This Guidance for using the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions accompanies the Global Standardto provide the scientific basis and guidance for users.
These guidelines offer an approach for developing a corporate-level biodiversity strategic plan, including measurable goals and objectives and a set of core linked indicators, that will allow companies to measure their biodiversity performance across their operations.
This report presents a conservation assessment of the vegetation, habitats and herpetile fauna within the area covered by Jebel Nadhour and Ghar El Melh KBA and Sidi Ali el Mekki KBA in northeastern Tunisia.
This seventh edition provides 69 case studies with some 78 species covering plants, mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, invertebrates and reptiles. The projects are ranked as Highly Successful, Successful, Partially Successful and Failure.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Conservation Translocation Specialist Group
The Western Indian Ocean is comprised of productive and highly diverse marine ecosystems that are rich sources of food security, livelihoods, and natural wonder.