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Action strategy for nature conservation in the Pacific Islands region, 2003-2007 : mainstreaming nature conservation

Complete Title: 
Action strategy for nature conservation in the Pacific Islands region, 2003-2007 : mainstreaming nature conservation
Non IUCN Publication

Conservation can best be achieved when conservation values are part of the mainstream of society, when they “become part of everyone’s decisions” including government, private enterprise and the community as a whole. This was recognized by the more than 320 participants from Pacific island governments, Pacific and international organizations and community groups when they met in Rarotonga, Cook Islands in July 2002 for the 7th Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas. This strategy is the major result of that conference. As such this strategy represents a consensus of the priority concerns for conservation and ways in which these can be addressed in the coming four years.

Apia : SPREP, 2004
Physical Description: 
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references

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Record created: 2013/09/13
Record updated: 2020/04/10