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Small bird-sanctuaries and how to make them

Complete Title: 
Small bird-sanctuaries and how to make them
Non IUCN Publication

There are modest sanctuaries within the reach of many bird-lovers, proven harbours of refuge for wild winged things and all who own a garden may in some degree own these.

London : Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, s.a.
Physical Description: 

This booklet is bound together with other booklets of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds into one book. These includes other entries like "An ABC of common birds" that can be found here: https://portals.iucn.org/library/node/49750

Another entry is "Bird & tree scheme" that can be found here: https://portals.iucn.org/library/node/49752

Another entry is "Birds in the bush : ("A Bird in the Bush is worth two in the Hand")" that can be found here: https://portals.iucn.org/library/node/49753

Broad subject:

Call number:

Record created: 2021/09/29
Record updated: 2021/09/29