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Accounting for the ecological services of India's forests

Complete Title: 
Accounting for the ecological services of India's forests : Soil conservation, water augmentation, and flood prevention
Non IUCN Publication



Though various studies and scientific assessments highlight the contribution of the forestry sector in terms of various ecosystem services, not much work has been initiated on the valuation of and the accounting for the ecological functions of forest ecosystems. In this monograph, the missing contributions of forests have been accounted for and monetized for 2002/03 in terms of the following ecological benefits: prevention of soil erosion, augmentation of groundwater, and flood control.

Monographic Series no.: 
New Delhi : TERI Press, 2006
Physical Description: 
viii, 48p.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references

Geographic keywords:

Record created: 2023/05/25
Record updated: 2023/05/31