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List of national parks and equivalent reserves : report by the Secretary General

Complete Title: 
List of national parks and equivalent reserves : report by the Secretary General
IUCN Grey Literature
New York : United Nations, 1962
Physical Description: 
Publication Year: 

Includes text of UN ECOSOC resolution 713 (XXVII) on the significance of national parks and UN ECOSOC resolution 810 (XXXI) Establishment by the Secretary-General of a list of national parks and equivalent reserves. Separate language versions.

Document E/3436/Rev.1.

Text on cover states: "This document has been reissued in a special edition for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. The changes mentioned in E/3436/Corr.1 have been incorporated."

Call number:

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2023/07/17