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Ke hoach hanh dong da dang sinh hoc cua Viet Nam hoi thao kiem diem 3 nam thuc hien : bao co tom tat = The Vietnam biodiversity action plan three year review workshop [1996-1998] : a summary report

Complete Title: 
Ke hoach hanh dong da dang sinh hoc cua Viet Nam hoi thao kiem diem 3 nam thuc hien : bao co tom tat = The Vietnam biodiversity action plan three year review workshop [1996-1998] : a summary report
IUCN Grey Literature



The Vietnam Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) was developed by the Ministry of Forestry and the State Committee of Science, in collaboration with WWF and UNDP. I was published in 1994 and approved by the government in 1995. This workshop was a critical assessment of the BAP's three years of implementation. Following an overview of measures taken to date, working groups identified the main gaps in the Plan and put forward key recommendations, and the meeting agreed a number of tasks to be carried out in the nex period.

Vietnam Biodiversity Action Plan Three Year Review Workshop, Hanoi, VN, 22-23 October 1998
Hanoi : IUCN Vietnam, 2000
Physical Description: 
68p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Bilingual edition, Vietnamese text p. 1-34, English text p. 35-68

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2024/12/30