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Natuur en toerisme : natuur en uitgaand toerisme in bestemmingslanden

Complete Title: 
Natuur en toerisme : natuur en uitgaand toerisme in bestemmingslanden
Non IUCN Publication

A series of articles looks into the problems and controversies concerning tourism and nature. On the one hand tourism is dependent upon nature, on the other hand, however, it often destroys the natural and socio-cultural environment. In the first section representatives from relevant sectors involved with tourism and nature (tourists, environmentalists, governments and the tourism sector) express their views on the possibilities of sustainable tourism. A second section describes a number of relevant case studies (the Alps, rainforests and the Pan Parks initiative) and the third section looks into the necessity of information and education to make sustainable tourism feasible. It finishes with conclusions and recommendations

Amsterdam : NC IUCN, 2000
Physical Description: 
67p. : ill., maps
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references

Broad subject:

Call number:

Online Metrics:

Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2023/08/23