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Implementation of an exchange programme for protected areas in East Asia

Complete Title: 
Implementation of an exchange programme for protected areas in East Asia
IUCN Publication




The East Asia Action Plan (IUCN, 1996) recommended exchange programmes as a means of improving protected area management capacity in the East Asia region. The experience of exchange programmmes from around the world shows that they can bring great benefits when executed and managed effectively. This report reviews and summarizes past experience world-wide in protected area-related exchange programmes, and analyzes its relevance to East Asia. A ten-stage planning process that can be adapted for use at the local, national and regional scale and a strategy for introducing protected area exchange programmes into East Asia are recommended

Gland : IUCN, 2001
Physical Description: 
xii, 71p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references. Follow up of the Regional Action Plan for Protected Areas in East Asia adopted in 1996

Geographic keywords:

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Selling Price: 
USD 24
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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2023/06/26