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Financing NBSAPs [National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans] : options and opportunities

Complete Title: 
Financing NBSAPs [National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans] : options and opportunities
IUCN Grey Literature



In order for National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) to be implemented, there is a need for financing. This financing hinges on the ability and ingenuity of national governments to design innovative mechanisms to make finances available. The aim of this toolkit is to provide biodiversity planners and decisions makers in Asia with a series of clear and practical methods, options and steps for developing financing strategies for their NBSAPs. It outlines some of the opportunities for raising and allocating more innovative sources of finance for NBSAP implementation.

Colombo, LK : IUCN Regional Biodiversity Programme Asia, 2002
Physical Description: 
ix, 73p.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2023/10/04