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United Nations Foundation

IUCN Publication

Trousse à outils : amélioration de notre patrimoine

La Trousse à outils contient douze outils pratiques ; chacun d’eux est conçu pour aider ceux qui sont responsables de la conservation des sites du patrimoine mondial à rassembler tous les éléments d’un cadre de gestion exhaustif, en ce compris l’élaboration de stratégies de suivi ciblées


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Caja de herramientas de mejorando nuestra herencia

Esta Caja de herramientas contiene doce herramientas prácticas, cada una de ellas diseñada para ayudar a que los responsables de la conservación del Patrimonio Mundial organicen los elementos de un marco comprensivo de manejo, incluyendo la elaboración de estrategias de monitoreo focaliz


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Enhancing our heritage toolkit

The Toolkit contains twelve practical tools, each designed to help those responsible for World Heritage site conservation piece together the elements of a comprehensive management framework, including the construction of targeted monitoring strategies.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Disaster relief 2.0 : the future of information sharing in humanitarian experiences

The report analyzes how the humanitarian community and the emerging volunteer and technical communities worked together in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, and recommends ways to improve coordination between them in future emergencies.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Grey Literature

The Enhancing our heritage toolkit



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Systematic approaches to livelihoods enhancement and diversification : a review of global experiences



Publication Year: 
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