In der Landschaft Mitteleuropas unterliegen fast alle Flächen einer regelmässigen Nutzung, Pflege oder Gestaltung durch den Menschen. Dies trifft auch für die meisten unter Naturschutz stehenden Areale zu, die dem Erhalt bestimmter Kulturlandschaftsformen dienen.
This guide emphasizes the ecological goals that are nowadays set in every hydraulic engineering planning. It uses several examples to show how modern flood protection can create living rivers. The examples of successful river revitalization documented in this book are groundbreaking.
In this publication, Professor Rudi van Aarde sheds light on what we really know, and don't, about elephants, their dynamics, and conservation management in Southern Africa.
ISBA/15/A/2 : Rapport du Secrétaire général de l'Autorité internationale des fonds marins présenté au titre de l'article 166, paragraphe 4, de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer
ISBA/15/A/5-ISBA/15/C/6 : Rapport de la Commissionde finances
ISBA/15/A/2 : Informe del Secretario General de la Autoridad Internacional de los Fondos Marinos en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el párrafo 4 del articulo 166 de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar
L'attesissimo volume raccoglie i risultati di anni di ricerche floristiche sul Monte Baldo. 1240 pagine per un libro che documenta in modo unico le 1952 specie che sul Monte Baldo, in quello che corrisponde allo 0,2% del territorio alpino, rappresentano ben il 43% dell'intera flora alpina. Il vol
Fred Kofman nous invite à réconcilier et organiser les potentialités offertes à l’être humain, en considérant l’entreprise comme une communauté humaine consciente, c'est-à-dire combinant et équilibrant les valeurs émotionnelles, morales, mentales et spirituelles qui la constituent.
Food, Inc. is a powerful documentary deconstructing the corporate food industry in America. Aided by expert commentators such as Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser, the film poses questions such as: Where has my food come from, and who has processed it?
These guidelines aim to assist policy makers and managers in the reduction of the risks to coastal communities, their infrastructure and service-providing ecosystems from tsunamis, storm surges and other coastal hazards within the phased framework of Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM).
Forest certification is widely seen as an important component of strategies for conserving the world"s forests. During the 1990s concern about the loss of biodiversity in logged forests was a key driver behind the emergence of forest certification.
All major macromycetes found in Serbia and the Western Balkans are represented in the book. There are over 1500 species, varieties and forms described in the book, out of which over 1200 are illustrated with a photograph.
This book brings together the manifold works and projects accomplished in the first round of Klagenfurt University's postgraduate study programme "Management of Protected Areas" that started in September 2005 and ended in July 2007.
James Lovelock's The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning is a prophetic message for mankind from one of the most influential scientists of our age. James Lovelock's Gaia theory, the idea that our planet is a living, self-regulating system, has transformed the way we see our planet an
The journal aims to share theories, managements, and practices at international, national and local levels with researchers, policy makers, managers and other stakeholders, and thereby to advance ocean and coastal policy regimes at all levels.
During recent years, marine spatial planning (MSP) has been the focus of considerable interest throughout the world, particularly in heavily used marine areas.
The present report highlights the results of the 2008 Revision of the official world population estimates and projections prepared by the Population Division of teh Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat.
United Nations, Department for Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division
Bangladesh has some social safety net programs that transfer food to the poor, some that transfer cash, and some that provide a combination of both. This study evaluates the relative impacts of food and cash transfers on food security and livelihood outcomes among the ultra poor in Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Akhter U.
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), US
Re-introduction is one tool for conserving great apes and their natural habitats. These guidelines adapt other IUCN documents to pertain specifically to the re-introduction of great apes.
Beck, Benjamin B.
Rodrigues, Michelle
Stoinski, Tara
Travis, Dominic A.
Unwin, Steve
Walkup, Kristina
Conservation International, Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Reintroduction Specialist Group
Esta Caja de herramientas contiene doce herramientas prácticas, cada una de ellas diseñada para ayudar a que los responsables de la conservación del Patrimonio Mundial organicen los elementos de un marco comprensivo de manejo, incluyendo la elaboración de estrategias de monitoreo focaliz
Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Secretariat
Parks and People describes fifteen years of research at Maine's Acadia National Park, conducted by Robert E. Manning, his colleagues, and students. The book is organized into three parts. Part I addresses indicators and standards of quality for park resources and the visitor experience.
This book aims to provide elements for discussion for those involved in development and development cooperation as practitioners, decision-makers and researchers, at a crucial moment just prior to the Copenhagen Climate Conference.
L'Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur présente ces 245 espèces : répartition spatiale et altitudinale, écologie, statut de conservation, historique et tendances d'évolution.
Cranes, a flagship species of waterbirds, have great cultural significance - especially the Siberian Crane. Yet, even after decades of conservation efforts, cranes remain threatened with 11 species at risk.
Dozens of experts were invited to provide their perspectives on critical issues relating to climate change and water in the form of a Perspective Document. The initiative resulted in the serise of papers presented here.