This report, compiled by 85 experts from across the world, reveals that nearly half of all primate species are now in danger of becoming extinct from destruction of tropical forests, illegal wildlife trade and commercial bushmeat hunting.
Conservation International
International Primatological Society
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
Increasing incidence and intensity of natural disasters and climate change are having over-arching impacts on the environment. Sustainable development is being undermined. Ecological services and their indirect economic values are frequently omitted from assessments.
Over the past decade, there has been growing concern among international stakeholders, particularly in Mediterranean countries, about aquaculture product quality, knowledge management, interaction with the environment, technology and systems, fish health and welfare, management of biological life
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Federation of European Aquaculture Producers
Spain, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
All people, regardless of where they live, depend upon the existence of healthy marine ecosystems. While the role that Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) can play in promoting the health of the oceans and seas has been widely acknowledged, progress on building a network of MPAs has been slow to date.
A survey of tourists and tour operators in the Egyptian Red Sea region shows that the industry often misperceives its clients environmental sensitivity, putting its own business at risk.
The IUCN initiative Strengthening Voices for Better Choices (SVBC) is piloting improved forest governance arrangements, among others in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The rapid development of biofuels to support greenhouse gas reductions, agricultural development and energy security has often occurred without adequate consideration of the threat of biological invasions.
Out of all the biological carbon (or green carbon) captured in the world, over half is captured by marine living organisms --- hence it is called "blue carbon".
Nellemann, C. (Christian)
Corcoran, Emily
Duarte, Carlos M.
Valdes, Luis
DeYoung, Cassandra
Fonseca, Luciano
Grimsditch, Gabriel D.
Spain, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
This publication identifies and analyzes critical issues in the formulation and implementation of national and sub-national legal frameworks for REDD activities.
This study reviews the financial costs of abating greenhouse gas emissions through Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD). It is written from the perspective of an institutional investor seeking cost-effective climate mitigation options.
Laquaculture fait face actuellement à un défi majeur: comment alléger la pression sur les stocks de poisson causée par la pêche commerciale tout répondant à une demande croissante pour les produits de la mer par des méthodes durables.
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Spain, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
What makes our planet's natural treasures worth saving, and why should we care? With hundreds of stunning full-color photographs and more than twenty essays from some of the world's most respected scientists, this latest publication in the CEMEX Conservation Book Series aims to provide some of t
Ash, Neville
Boltz, Frederick
Brooks, Thomas M.
McNeely, Jeffrey A.
Mittermeier, Russell A.
Conservation International
International League of Conservation Photographers
Conservation for a New Era outlines the critical issues facing us in the 21st century, developed from the results of the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona in October 2008.
Conservation for a New Era outlines the critical issues facing us in the 21st century, developed from the results of the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona in October 2008.
The expansion of international trade and air travel has led to an increase in human-mediated biological invasion, enabling invasive species to travel faster and over longer distances than before. Invasive species undermine human health, security and economic development.
The growing pace of international commerce has created an increased risk of invasion by alien species, which often take root and thrive in their new environment, often at great costs for the local biota and economy.
The ocean continues to get only peripheral attention in climate change research and policy, despite its enormous importance in regulating global climate and its sensitivity to the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification.
This report focuses on the management of natural coastal carbon sinks. There is a lack of recognition and focus on coastal marine ecosystems to complement activities already well advanced on land to address the best practice management of carbon sinks.
The Strengthening Voices for Better Choices (SVBC) project is currently operating in six tropical forest countries (Brazil, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam).
Stephen, Peter
Triraganon, Ronnakorn
IUCN, Forest Conservation Programme
Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC), TH
The January 2009 floods in Fiji were reported as the worst in the history of the country since the 1931 floods. Many parts of the country were affected by a number of consecutive flood events that spread over several days.
The Community Conservation Support Fund (CCSF) in Sri Lanka supports innovative, community-based and natural resources management initiatives with the help of small grants.
Drylands cover 41 percent of the earths terrestrial surface. The urgency of and international response to climate change have given a new place to drylands in terms both of their vulnerability to predicted climate change impacts and their potential contribution to climate change mitigation.
Mortimore, Michael
Anderson, Simon
Cotula, Lorenzo
Davies, Jonathan
Faccer, K.
Hesse, Ced
Morton, John
Nyangena, Wilfrid
Skinner, Jamie
Wolfangel, Caterina
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Este informe presenta una revisión del estado de conservación de 165 especies de libélulas presentes en la cuenca del Mediterráneo, según los criterios de la Lista Roja regional de la UICN.
Aquaculture is currently facing a significant challenge: how to alleviate the pressure on fish stocks exerted by commercial fishing and yet meet the increasing demand for sea products in a sustainable way.
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Spain, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
The IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands as well as World Land Trust share a belief that land purchase is an exceptionally valuable approach to preserving biodiversity.
The term rights-based approach (RBA) has been used in various contexts and defined in different ways. This publication applies the approach specifically in exploring the linkages between conservation and respect for internationally and nationally guaranteed human rights.