Rhododendrons are stunning horticultural plants widely cultivated in temperate regions. In the wild they are mainly associated with centres of diversity in the Himalayas and in South East Asia, where they form important components of montane ecosystems.
Gibbs, Douglas
Chamberlain, David
Argent, G.
Fauna and Flora International, UK
Botanic Gardens Conservation International, UK
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Global Tree Specialist Group
La presente guía es un instrumento que permite hacer una rápida valoración del nivel de aplicación del Enfoque Ecosistémico (EE), por medio de un conjunto de preguntas que abordan aspectos fundamentales de la gestión de los ecosistemas para poder afirmar que el enfoque se está aplicando en un esp
Andrade Pérez, Angela
Arguedas Mora, Stanley
Vides, Roberto Almonacid
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
UNESCO, Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB)
Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Chiquitano (FCBC)
Conservation International, Colombia
Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional, Escuela Latinoamericana de Áreas Protegidas (ELAP-UCI), CR
Climate change and the over exploitation of water resources is challenging the sustainability of the Pangani River Basin to deliver water services. Competition for diminishing water resources has led to tensions between the various stakeholders within the basin.
Inappropriate water management practices in the Komadugu Yobe Basin, upstream of Lake Chad in northern Nigeria, changed the seasonal river flow and caused widespread environmental degradation.
Environmental flows improve water management by ensuring a sustainable water supply to meet the needs of people, agriculture, energy, industry and the environment.
This IUCN UK Commission of Inquiry on Peatlands presents one of the most extensive assessments of peatlands undertaken in the UK to date. It identifies the state and value of peatland ecosystems and develops ways to safeguard and restore their natural capital.
Bain, C. G.
Bonn, A.
Stoneman, R.
Chapman, S.
Coupar, A.
Evans, M.
Gearey, B.
Howat, M.
Joosten, H.
Keenleyside, C.
Labadz, J.
Lindsay, R.
Littlewood, N.
Lunt, P.
Miller, C. J.
Moxey, A.
Orr, H.
Reed, M.
Smith, P.
Swales, V.
Thompson, D. B. A.
Thompson, P. S.
van de Noort, Robert
Wilson, Jeremy D.
Worrall, F.
United Kingdom National Committee of IUCN Members, Peatland Programme
This report focuses on the outlook for the development of existing and new economic activity in the Arctic marine region, and on a range of different sectors.
Williams, Alex
O'Sullivan Darcy, Aisling
Wilkinson, Angela
University of Oxford, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment (SSEE), UK
This comprehensive publication presents a history of the evolution of CITES. It begins with the basics and guides the reader through its complex structure. The provisions of the Convention are clearly highlighted in the book, and the numerous resolutions and decisions are explained.
Wijnstekers, Willem
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Secretariat
International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
This comprehensive publication presents a history of the evolution of CITES. It begins with the basics and guides the reader through its complex structure. The provisions of the Convention are clearly highlighted in the book, and the numerous resolutions and decisions are explained.
Wijnstekers, Willem
International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Secretariat
This publication attempts to connect the governance policies in place, those policy options that are proposed, and gap analysis studies of governance with a host of relevant documents related to key topics in the Arctic.
Burhenne, Wolfgang E.
Kelleher, Jennifer
Laur, Aaron
IUCN Commission on Environmental Law (CEL), Arctic Task Force
Le Guide juridique expose les principales règles qui régissent la gestion des forêts au Burkina Faso avec pour ambition de vulgariser ces textes auprès des conseils municipaux pour leur permettre de mieux sen approprier, de connaître leurs droits mais aussi leurs devoirs en matière de gestion de
IUCN Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso, Ministère de l'Environnement et du Developpement Durable
Sobre la cuenca del río Santa se han realizado numerosos foros y se han emitido diversas declaraciones,1 orientados a promover el mejoramiento de su gestión.
IUCN, Regional Office for South America
Mountain Institute
IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
Peru, Ministerio del Ambiente, Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (SERNANP)
Pakistan is facing increasing environmental and developmental challenges caused by climate change and the country is already experiencing phenomena like high glacial melt, flash floods, prolonged droughts, cyclones and abrupt changes in its weather.
Parte de la serie de folletos informativos producida en el marco del proyecto Adaptación de la gestión de los recursos hídricos en la cuenca del río Santa, por UICN-SUR.
IUCN, Regional Office for South America
Mountain Institute
IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
Peru, Ministerio del Ambiente, Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (SERNANP)
Parte de la serie de folletos informativos producida en el marco del proyecto Adaptación de la gestión de los recursos hídricos en la cuenca del río Santa, por UICN-SUR.
IUCN, Regional Office for South America
Mountain Institute
IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
Peru, Ministerio del Ambiente, Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (SERNANP)
Parte de la serie de folletos informativos producida en el marco del proyecto Adaptación de la gestión de los recursos hídricos en la cuenca del río Santa, por UICN-SUR. Incluye información sobre las características generales de esta cuenca, localizada en la costa central del Perú.
IUCN, Regional Office for South America
Mountain Institute
IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
Peru, Ministerio del Ambiente, Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (SERNANP)
En esta publicación se identifican y analizan las cuestiones fundamentales para la formulación y aplicación de marcos jurídicos nacionales y subnacionales para las actividades de REDD.
This report summarizes the numerous activities implemented and documents prepared by the national and local-level expert groups, and presents the valuable lessons learned.
A Regional Red List Workshop for the carnivores of the Arabian Peninsula took place 8-10 February 2011. The aim of the workshop was to assess the regional conservation status of terrestrial carnivores in the Arabian Peninsula.
Mallon, David P.
Budd, Kevin
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
United Arab Emirates, Environment and Protected Areas Authority of Sharjah
United Arab Emirates, Environment and Protected Areas Authority of Sharjah, Breeding Centre for Endangered Arabian Wildlife
This report provides an overview of existing data about the wetlands, including its ecology, biodiversity, socio-economic values, management and threats.
This report provides an overview of existing data about the wetlands, including its ecology, biodiversity, socio-economic values, management and threats.
Esta obra presenta la situación de la gobernanza ambiental e indígena en Bolivia y Perú, a fin de ampliar la discusión sobre la gobernanza, sus principios normativos y políticas de aplicación, a través de ejemplos claros y puntuales.
Andrade Mendoza, Karen
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador (FLACSO Ecuador)
Ce livret est destiné à un public jeune visitant le Parc National dAl Hoceima. Il a pour objectif daméliorer leur connaissance sur le Phoque moine, espèce importante du bassin méditerranéen et de la zone du Parc. Il a été élaboré par lONG marocaine AGIR et lUICN-Med.
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Association de Gestion Intégrée de Ressources (AGIR ), MA
Morocco, Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte contre la Désertification de Marruecos
Ce livret est destiné à un public jeune visitant le Parc National d'Al Hoceima. Il a pour objectif d'améliorer leur connaissance sur le Balbuzard pêcheur, espèce importante du bassin méditerranéen et de la zone du Parc. Il a été élaboré par l'ONG marocaine AGIR et l'UICN-Med.
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Association de Gestion Intégrée de Ressources (AGIR ), MA
Morocco, Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte contre la Désertification de Marruecos
Ce livret est destiné à un public jeune visitant le Parc National dAl Hoceima. Il a pour objectif daméliorer leur connaissance du Thuya de Berbérie, espèce importante du bassin méditerranéen et de la zone du Parc. Il a été élaboré par lONG marocaine AGIR et lUICN-Med.
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Association de Gestion Intégrée de Ressources (AGIR ), MA
Morocco, Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte contre la Désertification de Marruecos
Kombinasi ancaman yang saat ini dihadapi kera besar yang tersisa membutuhkan tindakan konservasi yang segera di semua bidang - dari inisiatif di tingkat lapangan, melalui strategi nasional dan regional, hingga ke konvensi dan rencana aksi internasional.
Ancrenaz, M.
Kühl, H.
Maisels, F.
Williamson, Elizabeth A.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
This guide draws inspiration from the impressive volume Sharing Power, published by the IUCN/CEESP and IIED. The guide provides what we hope to be a convenient synthesis of the main phases of a shared-governance process for Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in West Africa.
Borrini, Grazia
Chatelain, Christian
Hosch, Gilles
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
Programme régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)
At a crucial time of rapid socio-economic change, Nature and World Heritage in the Arab States provides an assessment of World Heritage in the Arab States region.
Le présent rapport fait le point du niveau de contribution des sociétés asiatiques en particulier les entreprises chinoises dans la filière bois gabonaise notamment par segment dactivité (exploitation et aménagement forestier, transformation du bois et exportation et la commercialisation des gru
This third edition of the Global Re-introduction Perspectives provides 50 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and plants.
Denver Zoological Foundation, US
Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi, AE
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Reintroduction Specialist Group
This publication aims to further raise awareness about the value of transboundary conservation, highlighting the many benefits transboundary cooperation generates, while not neglecting the challenges and problems parties encounter when they engage in transboundary initiatives.
Vasilijevic, Maja
Pezold, Tomasz
European Green Belt Initiative
Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Task Force on Transboundary Conservation
This publication aims to further raise awareness about the value of transboundary conservation, highlighting the many benefits transboundary cooperation generates, while not neglecting the challenges and problems parties encounter when they engage in transboundary initiatives.
Vasilijevic, Maja
Pezold, Tomasz
IUCN Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
European Green Belt Initiative
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Task Force on Transboundary Conservation
The manual is based on the version of the "Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention" dated August 2011 and seeks to complement it.
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
A symposium on community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) for the conservation of CITES-listed species was organized by the Austrian Ministry of the Environment and the European Commission in Vienna, Austria, in May 2010.
Abensperg-Traun, Max
Roe, Dilys
O'Criodain, Colman
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Il se fonde sur la version des "Orientations devant guider la mise en oeuvre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial" datée de août 2011, dont il se veut le complément.
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
Ce rapport examine le statut de conservation de lensemble des poissons marins autochtones de la mer Méditerranée. Il repose sur les évaluations de 513 espèces et 6 sous-espèces réalisées selon la méthodologie de la Liste Rouge de lUICN.
The papers and abstracts in this volume are the outcome of the conference on Island Invasives: Eradication and Management, held at Tamaki Campus, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Protected areas play a major role in reducing climate changing carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Fifteen percent of the world's terrestrial carbon stock - 312 gigatonnes - are stored in protected areas around the world.