This guide is intended to offer an overview of available literature relating to the main topics covered by IUCNs Thematic Programme Area on Greening the World Economy (TPA5). It is a compilation of papers, reports, and articles that can be freely accessed on the internet.
The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of how IWRM was implemented in Thailand and to suggest some useful steps that may be considered by other countries in adopting and adapting IWRM to their respective contexts.
This manual is the product of countries requests for assistance in strengthening and developing national regulatory frameworks related to marine Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in particular with respect to the transfer of potentially harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships ballast water
The aim of this guideline is to aid maritime administrators, or other lead agencies working with ballast water management, to assess and quantify (as appropriate and possible) the potential economic consequences of unintended marine species introductions.
The aim of this guideline is to aid maritime administrators, or other lead agencies working with ballast water management, to assess and quantify (as appropriate and possible) the potential economic consequences of unintended marine species introductions.
Le but de cette directive est dassister les administrateurs maritimes ou dautres agences de direction travaillant sur la gestion des eaux de ballast à évaluer et quantifier autant que possible les conséquences économiques potentielles dintroductions involontaires despèces marines.
This manual is the product of countries requests for assistance in strengthening and developing national regulatory frameworks related to marine Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in particular with respect to the transfer of potentially harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships ballast water
Ce manuel répond à des demandes émanant de pays daide au renforcement et au développement de structures cadres de régulation liée aux Espèces Exotiques Envahissantes (EEE), en particulier en lien avec le transfert dorganismes aquatiques nuisibles et dagents pathogènes par le biais des eaux de
Este manual es la respuesta a las peticiones de los países para una estrecha colaboración y desarrollo nacional del marco regulatorio relacionado con las Especies Exótica Invasoras (EEIs) en particular en lo que se refiere a la posible transferencia de organismos potencialmente nocivos y patógeno
This publication provides a much needed and timely tool to assist in the collective effort to find new and better solutions to address the various threats to the marine biological diversity and productivity.
Protected areas play a major role in reducing climate changing carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Fifteen percent of the worlds terrestrial carbon stock - 312 gigatonnes - are stored in protected areas around the world.
This is a report of a range of activities happened in the Pacific during the Year of Biodiversity (PYoB) 2010. It contains the PYoB in pictures, SPREP's work in 2010, initiatives and knowledge products launched during the year.
South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP), Secretariat
Protected areas play a major role in reducing climate changing carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Fifteen percent of the worlds terrestrial carbon stock - 312 gigatonnes - are stored in protected areas around the world.
Este libro articula claramente, por vez primera, cómo las áreas protegidas contribuyen significativamente a reducir los impactos del cambio climático y qué es lo que necesitarían para contribuir más.
Le présent rapport expose clairement, et pour la première fois, à quel point les aires protégées contribuent à diminuer les effets des changements climatiques et ce quil faudrait faire pour quelles y contribuent encore plus.
Les principaux objectifs de ce Manuel de référence sont : aider les gestionnaires et les autorités gérantes des biens du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel à réduire les risques quencourent ces biens en lien avec des catastrophes naturelles et anthropiques; illustrer les principes majeurs de
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
The objectives of this manual are: to help the managers and management authorities of cultural and natural World Heritage properties to reduce the risks to these properties from natural and humanmade disasters; to illustrate the main principles of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) for heritage and a
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
This study focuses on livestock production systems in Africa, as African livestock owners are thought to be among the most vulnerable populations on earth.
World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP)
The report describes the best possible climate scenarios for the middle of the 21st century for the Pangani Basin, utilising a range of General Circulation Models (GCMs) and a state of the art statistical downscaling procedure.
Il se fonde sur la version des "Orientations devant guider la mise en oeuvre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial" datée de janvier 2008, dont il se veut le complément.
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
The manual is based on the version of the "Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention" dated January 2008 and seeks to complement it.
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
Le projet MEDITERRANE-ON: Définition d'indicateurs de durabilité dans l'aquaculture méditerranéenne a pour but de concevoir des outils, sous la forme d'indicateurs, qui permettent de diagnostiquer l'état de l'aquaculture dans la région, en tenant compte de la perspective d'aligner les différent
Fundación Observatorio Español de Acuicultura (FOESA), ES
Asociación Empresarial de Productores de Cultivos Marinos de España (APROMAR), ES
This text looked to design tools, in the form of indicators, which enable an analysis of the state of aquaculture in the region to be made with the aim of moving the various countries that make up the region towards an even more sustainable aquaculture development.
Fundación Observatorio Español de Acuicultura (FOESA), ES
Asociación Empresarial de Productores de Cultivos Marinos de España (APROMAR), ES
El proyecto MEDITERRANE-ON: Indicadores de Sostenibilidad en Acuicultura Mediterránea para el Área Mediterránea, tiene la voluntad de avanzar en el diseño de las herramientas, en forma de indicadores, que permitan realizar un diagnóstico del estado de la acuicultura de la región, considerando la
Fundación Observatorio Español de Acuicultura (FOESA), ES
Asociación Empresarial de Productores de Cultivos Marinos de España (APROMAR), ES
This IUCN-led Regional Conservation Strategy for wild cattle and buffalo species is the first step in a programme to develop National Conservation Action Plans for all wild cattle and buffalo species across their geographic ranges.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group
The overall aim of this study is to bring together information on the subject of gender and invasive species, and thereby inform and strengthen future projects, activities and interventions in relation to invasive species prevention and management.
Le présent document a pour objectif de rendre compte des formations, études de cas, discussions et échanges en tous genres qui, pendant quatre jours, ont largement nourri la réflexion pour une meilleure implication des ONG ouest-africains dans la conservation en général et la gestion des aires pr
Fondation internationale du Banc d'Arguin (FIBA)
Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial (FFEM), FR
IUCN National Committee of The Netherlands
IUCN, Regional Protected Areas Programme, Western Africa
This book addresses the economic component of ecologically sustainable development in the Pacific. It is primarily concerned with the role that conventional economic issues plays in the viability of natural resource and environmental projects in the Pacific.
Cette publication présentée dans le contexte du Programme Régional pour la Conservation Marine et Côtière dAfrique de lOuest (PRCM) succède au volume de 2005 intitulé Gestion environnementale de lexploitation pétrolière offshore et du transport maritime de pétrole.
Kloff, Sandra
Wicks, Clive
Siegel, Paul
WWF International
Programme régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
This publication, produced in the context of the Regional Programme for West African Marine and Coastal Conservation (PRCM), is a successor to a 2005 volume entitled "Environmental management of offshore oil exploitation and maritime oil transport." The book helped us to better understand the env
Kloff, Sandra
Wicks, Clive
Siegel, Paul
WWF International
Programme régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
A presente síntese compara para os quatro países o histórico e as perspectivas da exploração mineira, os quadros jurídicos e regulamentares relativos ao meio ambiente, as características ambientais e sociais das zonas estudadas, os estudos sociais e ambientais do estado inicial e estudo de impact
Cette synthèse compare pour les quatre pays lhistorique et les perspectives de lexploitation minière, les cadres juridiques et règlementaires relatifs à lenvironnement, les caractéristiques environnementales et sociales des zones étudiées, les études sociales et environnementales de létat ini
Le Rapport préliminaire sur l'état de l'environnement en Afrique Centrale fait une description des ressources naturelles encore existantes, identifie les opportunités d'utilisation de celles-ci en vue de la lutte contre la pauvreté et le développement durable.
IUCN, Regional Office for Central Africa
Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC-ECCAS)