La biodiversidad juega un papel importante en la vida diaria de un hotel. Desde la comida del restaurante a la madera de los muebles y acabados, a las comodidades del spa, los productos de la biodiversidad se encuentran en cada rincón de los hoteles.
Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (CAST)
Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO)
Fondo para Iniciativas de Desarrollo Educativo de El Salvador (FIDES), SV
France, Ministère de l'Ecologie, de l'Energie, du Développement Durable, des Transports et du Logement
France, Ministère de l'Outre Mer
Fundación Empresarial para la Acción Social (FUNDEMAS), SV
Beginning with a grassroots approach to water management, increased knowledge and information and the improvement of environmental health and livelihoods, the region around the Tacaná volcano on the border of Guatemala and Mexico has shown the way forward in scaling up local level approaches to n
The Water and Nature Initiates (WANI) activities in the Mekong followed a strategy of mobilizing grass-roots engagement of local stakeholders in decision making, while facilitating high-level dialogues.
This publication provides a unique insight into Europes often forgotten sacred natural sites. It looks into their history, importance and the threats they currently face.
At a crucial time of rapid socio-economic change, Nature and World Heritage in the Arab States provides an assessment of World Heritage in the Arab States region.
This document is a summary of the technical report on the current state of affairs in the Mediterranean basin. It describes the specific characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea and the phenemenon of climate change observed on the scale of this particular region.
Bazairi, Hocein
Bianchi, Carlo Nike
Boudouresque, Charles-François
Buia, Maria Cristina
Clabaut, Philippe
Harmelin-Vivien, M. L. (Mireille L.)
Mateo, Miguel Angel
Montefalcone, Monica
Morri, Carla
Orfanidis, Sotiris
Pergent, Gérard
Pergent-Martini, Christine
Semroud, Rachid
Serrano, Oscar
Verlaque, Marc
Fondation MAVA pour la nature
IUCN, Global Marine Programme
IUCN, Marine Programme
Spain, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)
Spain, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación
Total Foundation
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
Este documento es un resumen del informe técnico sobre esta temática en la cuenca mediterránea. Describe las especificidades del mar Mediterráneo y el fenómeno del cambio climático observado a escala de esta región.
Bazairi, Hocein
Bianchi, Carlo Nike
Boudouresque, Charles-François
Buia, Maria Cristina
Clabaut, Philippe
Harmelin-Vivien, M. L. (Mireille L.)
Mateo, Miguel Angel
Montefalcone, Monica
Morri, Carla
Orfanidis, Sotiris
Pergent, Gérard
Pergent-Martini, Christine
Semroud, Rachid
Serrano, Oscar
Verlaque, Marc
Fondation MAVA pour la nature
IUCN, Global Marine Programme
IUCN, Marine Programme
Spain, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)
Spain, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación
Total Foundation
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
Compiled for the recent SSC Chairs meeting in Abu Dhabi this overview includes a profile of each of the over 100 SSC Specialist Groups, Red List Authorities, Sub-committees and Task Forces of the SSC describing their achievements in 2011, their successes and challenges as well as plans for the fu
The aim of this manual is to strengthen the community of practitioners who are using an innovative range of visual techniques in dealing with conservation and development situations.
Ce guide a pour objectif de faire connaître aux visiteurs du Parc National d'Al Hoceima (PNAH) la diversité faunistique et floristique, à travers la présentation dun peu plus de 80 espèces, communes ou emblématiques de la zone du Parc et dont certaines comptent parmi les espèces en danger ou men
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Morocco, Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte contre la Désertification de Marruecos
SEO/Birdlife (Sociedad Española de Ornitología), ES
Biodiversity plays an important role in the day-to-day life of a hotel. From the food in the restaurant and wood in furniture and fittings, to the amenities in the spa, the products of biodiversity are everywhere inside hotels.
Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (CAST)
Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO)
France, Ministère de l'Ecologie, de l'Energie, du Développement Durable, des Transports et du Logement
In 2005 the Pacific Leaders endorsed the Pacific Islands Framework for Action on Climate Change (PIFACC) 2006 to 2015. The Framework's vision is Pacific island people, their livelihoods and the environment resilient to the risks and impacts of climate change.
South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP), Secretariat
This report sets out a common vision and agenda for UN agencies to step up their efforts to protect and revitalise dryland, and improve the economic and social well being of drylands communities through a positive development and investment approach.
For a Living Planet is a book on the history of WWF and its successes. Starting from its convening in a small town in Switzerland in April 1961 to its 50th anniversary in 2011.
Based on previously inaccessible archives and a wide range of interviews with WWF VIPs, this book tells the remarkable story of how the idea of a few British naturalists turned into the world's largest environmental organisation.
Narrated by Sir David Attenborough and from the award-winning team behind Planet Earth & Blue Planet comes the ultimate portrait of the earth's Polar regions. The Arctic and Antarctic remain the greatest wildernesses on Earth.
The Amboseli Elephants is the long-awaited summation of what’s been learned from the Amboseli Elephant Research Project (AERP)—the longest continuously running elephant research project in the world. Cynthia J. Moss and Harvey Croze, the founders of the AERP, and Phyllis C.
Dugongs have high cultural value and are a valued source of food, medicine and artifacts and thus are an important species for coastal people. Dugongs also play a significant ecological role in maintaining coastal habitats.
South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP), Secretariat
This report, two years in the making, provides a comprehensive assessment of progress being made towards SFM in each ITTO producer member country and identifies the challenges remaining.
Worldwide in coverage, this 477-page book reveals the inside story on existing and planned marine protected areas (MPAs), marine national parks and sanctuaries around the world.
Des plages de ponte de tortues marines du monde entier ont fait l’objet d’un suivi depuis des décennies. Si les protocoles de suivi appliquent parfois des normes nationales ou régionales, il n’existe pas de standard mondial unique.
The latest research results, new projects, information on EFI events, news from EFI members: EFI NEWS brings all this to you three times a year, with two printed issues and one pdf-only.
IUCN's Protected Areas Management Categories, which classify protected areas according to their management objectives, are today accepted as the benchmark for defining, recording and classifying protected areas.They are recognized by international bodies such as the United Nations as well as many
Biodiversity Foundation
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
Spain, Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Medio Ambiente
WWF has produced this atlas to help guide efforts in conserving the biodiversity in the Yangtze basin upon which economic development depends. It is based on extensive research by leading experts on the distribution of key protected species and zones of high biodiversity in the basin.
El presente libro tiene como principal objetivo visibilizar la importancia del Sistema Guatemalteco de Áreas Protegidas para el país, como la principal fuente de bienes y servicios ambientales que nos ayuden a enfrentar la potenciales crisis originadas bajo el contexto actual de cambio global.
Alvarado, Luis
Ariano, Daniel
Guatemala, Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas (CONAP)
This report explores the economic impact of climate change in Zambia through the assessment of six sectors, agriculture & food security, natural resources, water, energy, health, and infrastructure. The analysis is conducted via scenario planning.
Zambia, Ministry of Tourism, Environment, and Natural Resources
Belarus ranks 8th among the world's countries in terms of peatland CO2 emissions and occupies 3rd place in CO2-emissions per unit land area. In recent years, tens of thousands of hectares of drained peatlands in Belarus have been rewetted.