The Bangladesh Sundarban delta, comprising the mangrove forest and neighbouring landscape, supports the largest array of life forms among ecosystems of a similar type. However, over the last twenty-five years, the high rate of human entrance into the mangrove, followed by the mushrooming growth of shrimp farming on the periphery, has caused severe damange to the entire ecosystem. To address this situation, a long-term vision (2050), backed by integrated management strategies, has been formulated under this initiative. This first document provides an overview of the vision; the second document goes into significantly more detail on the process for developing the vision, as well as a detailed literature review.
An exercise to develop a vision document for the Indian Sundarban was completed by World Wildlife Fund, India (WWF-India) in 2011. This vision document for the Bangladesh portion of the Sundarban delta was undertaken by IUCN Bangladesh.
Includes bibliographic references.