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Information management services at IUCN : information policies, information technology, electronic communications, Internet & web, information systems, library services & records management

Complete Title: 
Information management services at IUCN : information policies, information technology, electronic communications, Internet & web, information systems, library services & records management
IUCN Grey Literature



Gland : IUCN, 1998
Publication Year: 

This is a revised edition issued 13 November 1998 that includes guidelines for records management.

Approved by Management Services Committee.

Print copy includes internal report by Kevin Grose on "Leveraging the Union's information resources"; a memo by Mark Halle dated 23 January 1995 on "IUCN - a knowledge-based organization"; "Union-Link: IUCN on the internet: a strategy," dated 11 May 1996; "The IUCN Knowledge Management Network: towards an integrated approach," by Chip Temm, dated 26 January 1998.

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Record created: 2016/12/16
Record updated: 2022/05/24