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Enhancing Nature-Based Solutions in Montenegro

Complete Title: 
Enhancing Nature-Based Solutions in Montenegro : the role of ecosystems in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
IUCN Grey Literature



Montenegro is a disaster-prone country particularly vulnerable to climate change, thus affecting multiple sectors – agriculture, biodiversity, energy, forestry, public health, coastal areas and maritime resources, tourism and water resources. The combination of the rise in frequency and intensity of climate-related hazards, and increasing development in the country raises the risks of these hazards causing substantial economic and health impacts. This uncertain and changing situation is hindering the fulfilment of Montenegro’s environmental, economic and developmental targets. The overall purpose of this scoping study is to provide the state-of-the art of the Montenegrin national context with regards to the application of Nature-based Solutions approaches for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. 

Gland : IUCN, 2023
Physical Description: 
ix, 54p. : ill., maps
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic footnotes.

Geographic keywords:

Broad subject:

Call number:

Record created: 2023/12/01
Record updated: 2024/01/10