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International Union for the Protection of Nature bulletin

Complete Title: 
International Union for the Protection of Nature bulletin
IUCN Publication


Bruxelles : UIPN, 1952-1960.
Physical Description: 

only one complete set hold in the Library. Vol.8 no.4-no.5-no.6 were not published

Online Metrics:

IUPN Bulletin vol.9 no.3-no.4-no.5-no.6 (June 1960) (5.55 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.9 no.1-no.2 (1960) (3.56 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.8 no.1-no.2-no.3 (October 1959) (5.05 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.7 no.5-no.6 (December 1958) (3.88 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.7 no.3-no.4 (July 1958) (4.82 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.7 no.1-no.2 (May 1958) (4.26 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.6 no.6 (December 1957) (2.5 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.6 no.5 (November 1957) (2.5 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.6 no.3-no.4 (October 1957) (3.59 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.6 no.2 (May 1957) (2.42 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.6 no.1 (March 1957) (2.42 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.5 no.5-no.6 (December 1956) (3.73 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.5 no.4 (October 1956) (4.46 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.5 no.2-no.3 (May 1956) (4.78 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.5 no.1 (April 1956) (2.53 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.4 no.5-no.6 (December 1955) (5.03 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.4 no.3-no.4 (October 1955) (4.99 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.4 no.2 (June 1955) (2.53 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.4 no.1 (1955) (2.4 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.3 no.6 (December 1954) (2.37 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.3 no.5 (November 1954) (2.41 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.3 no.4 (September 1954) (2.41 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.3 no.3 (July 1954) (2.53 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.3 no.2 (May 1954) (2.41 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.3 no.1 (February 1954) (2.5 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.2 no.6 (December 1953) (3.73 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.2 no.5 (September 1953) (2.5 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.2 no.4 (July 1953) (2.46 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.2 no.3 (May 1953) (2.4 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.2 no.2 (March 1953) (2.26 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.2 no.1 (January 1953) (2.37 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.1 no.5-no.6 (November 1952) (4.8 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.1 no.4 (July 1952) (2.51 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.1 no.3 (May 1952) (2.46 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.1 no.2 (March 1952) (2.57 MB)
IUPN Bulletin vol.1 no.1 (January 1952) (2.58 MB)
Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2024/12/30