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Conservation and development in Irian Jaya : a strategy for rational resource utilization

Complete Title: 
Conservation and development in Irian Jaya : a strategy for rational resource utilization
Non IUCN Publication


Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1989
Physical Description: 
xxii, 218p. : ill., fold-out maps
Publication Year: 

According to preface, was originally published by IUCN/WWF in 1984 edition, 200 copies were printed. An expanded Bahasa Indonesian version with detailed maps and text covering each reserve in the protected area system (Petocz & Raspado, 1987) later published. This present edition has incorporated substantial changes and has been updated with new information in the text, as well as alterations and additions to the species lists appearing in the annexes.

Includes bibliographic references. 

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2023/12/13