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The use of economic measures in national biodiversity strategies and action plans : a review of experiences, lessons learned and ways forward

Complete Title: 
The use of economic measures in national biodiversity strategies and action plans : a review of experiences, lessons learned and ways forward
IUCN Publication



Economic forces underlie and explain much biodiversity degradation and loss, and economic instruments provide a useful set of tools for strengthening biodiversity conservation, sustainable use and equitable benefit sharing. If National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans are to be effective they must be justifiable in economic terms. This document reports on a project reviewing the use of economic measures in NBSAPs. It brings together the component activities of the economics review, and summarises and synthesises this information to provide guidance on experiences, lessons learned and ways forward in the use of economic measures.

Karachi : IUCN Regional Envrionmental Economics Programme for Asia, 2001
Physical Description: 
vii, 84p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references pp. 63-84. Online full-text searchable version is available from Google Books.

Call number:

Selling Price: 
USD 28
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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2023/07/10