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Planification nationale de la biodiversité : principes directeurs basés sur l'expérience initiale des pays dans le monde

Complete Title: 
Planification nationale de la biodiversité : principes directeurs basés sur l'expérience initiale des pays dans le monde
IUCN Grey Literature

Biodiversity captured worldwide attention at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro when 150 nations signed the Convention on Biological Diversity. Although most countries by now have had some experience planning and implementing biodiversity-related measures, few have approached them in the comprehensive, integrated manner required by the Convention. This practical handbook offers background information, case-study examples and analysis, and step-by-step guidelines for planning and implementing national biodiversity strategies and action plans. Intended for use by government, communities, business and industry, and non-governmental organizations, it presents an "illustrative biodiversity-planning process" based on the real-world experiences of seventeen countries already developing national strategies, plans, and programs.

Washington, DC : WRI, 1995
Physical Description: 
xiii, 169p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references. Separate language edition.

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2024/12/31