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Iraq, Ministry of Environment

IUCN Publication

دليل تقييم فاعلية إدارة المحميات الطبيعية

Protected areas are considered one of the most effective and widely used methods for biodiversity conservation on a global scale. Therefore, effective, and equitable management and operation of these areas are crucial for conserving their biodiversity.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Grey Literature

الخطوط الإرشادية لإدارة المناطق المحمية في جمهورية العراق

Protected areas are the basic corner stone for protecting and managing the world's biodiversity, given their major and effective role in reducing the degradation of many ecosystems and habitats as a result of unsustainable human practices.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

The World Heritage nomination of the Ahwar of Southern Iraq : refuge of biodiversity and relict landscape of the Mesopotamian cities



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Biodiversity and ecosystem management in the Iraqi marshlands : screening study on potential World Heritage nomination (Arabic version)

<p>This report includes an inventory of data and information on the Iraqi marshland ecosystem; technical guidance on the assessment framework and tools for ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation with regard to the requirements for World Heritage nomination; and guidance on the d



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Biodiversity and ecosystem management in the Iraqi marshlands : screening study on potential World Heritage nomination

<p>This report includes an inventory of data and information on the Iraqi marshland ecosystem; technical guidance on the assessment framework and tools for ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation with regard to the requirements for World Heritage nomination; and guidance on the d



Publication Year: 
Subscribe to Iraq, Ministry of Environment