Published almost at the halfway point of the 2011–2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, this fourth edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-4) provides a timely report: on progress towards meeting the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets and potential actions to accelerate that progress; on pros
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
Despite the impressive number of legal texts and many good intentions, real progress in solving the environmental challenges themselves has been much less comprehensive.
Published to coincide with the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, UNEP's 2012 Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5) calls on world leaders to take immediate action to address international environmental degradation and turn world-wide discussion of sustainable development into practice.
Wetlands have been the focus of conservation and restoration efforts for over a century, and governments, international actors (NGOs and academia) and local communities around the world are now increasingly engaging in wetland restoration or avoiding wetland degration activities for climate chang
Asia has a rich cultural and natural heritage, but rapid development, population growth and an erosion of traditional practices are resulting in habitat loss and degradation, which is putting protected areas in Asia at risk and leading to serious decline in the biodiversity they harbour.
This study identifies and assesses the diversity of ecosystem services, and in turn the benefits that World Heritage sites can deliver to society and the economy through direct and indirect use or through inherent 'non-use' values.
The Protected Planet Report series, launched in 2012, helps track international progress towards achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 - a target for the global protected area network and for other related targets.
Our oceans and coasts are the origin of life on earth, an important food source, and crucial for the global ecological equilibrium, yet despite their global significance, marine and coastal ecosystems face a wide array of threats.
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Germany, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
This study focuses on pastoralism's current and future potential for securing sustainable managment and green economy outcomes from the world's rangelands.
Global spending on nature conservation is currently estimated at around US$50 billion per year. Most of this is public money, yet even this is far from sufficient to maintain biodiversity and the ecosystem services upon which our economies, livelihoods and well-being depend.
Water protection, food production, and ecosystem health are worldwide issues, and understanding the links between water, food production and ecosystems is important to the health of all three. This book shows how sustainable ecosystems are essential for water management and food production.
Boelee, Eline
CAB International
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
This document constitutes a summary of the work, studies and reflection initiated by the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) following the recommendations of the Contracting Parties in Almeria in January 2008.
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
Ce rapport présente les résultats de deux études thématiques: d’une part le potentiel écologique pour l'identification des corridors dans la zone APT (Aire Protégée Transfrontalière) du Mayombe et, d’autre part, le potentiel écologique pour la délimitation d’AP (Aires Protégées) au sein même de l
Tamar, Ron
Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP)
IUCN, Central and West Africa Regional Programme (PACO)
Cranes, a flagship species of waterbirds, have great cultural significance - especially the Siberian Crane. Yet, even after decades of conservation efforts, cranes remain threatened with 11 species at risk.
With only about one-sixth of the original coral cover left, most Caribbean coral reefs may disappear in the next 20 years, primarily due to the loss of grazers in the region, according to this latest report, Status and Trends of Caribbean Coral Reefs: 1970-2012.
<p>This report includes an inventory of data and information on the Iraqi marshland ecosystem; technical guidance on the assessment framework and tools for ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation with regard to the requirements for World Heritage nomination; and guidance on the d
This book describes how the four-year GEF-funded project “Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa” was instrumental in developing ways of limiting the severe ecological, social and economic impacts in different parts of Africa of a number of particularly devastating alien plant i
Boy, Gordon
Witt, Arne
CAB International
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), GH
Ethiopian Institute for Agricultural Research (EIAR), ET
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Uganda, National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)
This paper highlights the climate change mitigation potential of the African drylands and lays out various paths towards adaptation which should be supported to reduce the vulnerability of dryland populations and increase their food security.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Secretariat
This report summarises the experiences and lessons learnt from the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (2010 BIP), as well as providing details of 27 global indicators developed in support of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)'s 2010 Biodiversity Target.
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
The conservation status of the toothed whales has worsened dramatically since 2001. Since then, more species have been listed in the IUCN Red List as Vulnerable and Nearly Threatended, while the Baiji river dolphin, which used to live in the Yangtze River, is now probably extinct.
Culik, Boris M.
Würtz, Maurizio
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), Secretariat
ASCOBANS, Secretariat
Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contigous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS), Secretariat
Ice, snow and climate change are closely linked. The Global Outlook for Ice and Snow investigates those linkages. It also presents information on the trends in ice and snow, the outlook for this century and beyond and the consequences to ecosystems and human well-being of these changes.
The report analyses the different ways for quantifying and accounting for water flows and productivity within the economy (including environmental needs).
This report, which inaugurates a new policy series by UNEP on the environmental dimensions of disasters and conflicts, aims to summarize the latest knowledge and field experience on the linkages between environment, conflict and peacebuilding, and to demonstrate the need for those linkages to be
UNEP, Expert Advisory Group on Environment, Conflict and Peacebuilding
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), CA
This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how peacekeeping operations affect and are affected by natural resources and environmental conditions. The report is divided into two main parts.
Global Witness, UK
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), CA
Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI), SE
United Nations, Department for Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO)
This document discusses the need to balance short-term water productivity gains in particular in agriculture - with the long-term role that water flows provide for maintaining sustainable landscape ecosystem services (ESS), and serving multiple benefits to human well-being.
The 2012 UNEP Year Book spotlights two emerging issues that underline the challenges but also the choices nations need to consider to deliver a sustainable 21st century urgently improved management of the worlds soils and the decommissioning of nuclear reactors.
This publication is an excerpt of the report, "Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth : a report of the working group on decoupling to the International Resource Panel".
UNEP, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
This report provides a solid foundation for the concept of decoupling, clearly defining key terms and providing empirical evidence of escalating resource use. It shows that decoupling is already taking place to some extent, but is lagging far behind its potential.
UNEP, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
This publication highlights the interconnectivity and linkages between coastal ecosystems (mangroves, coral reefs, seagrasses, estuaries, and lagoons) across environmental, economic, social, and management contexts.
This report represents the best available understanding as to what has happened to the environment of Ogoniland and the corresponding implications for affected populations over many years of oil industry operations.
This book demonstrates the commitment of countries worldwide to environmental protection through the testimony of nine national leaders, former heads of state and government, on the concept of "development without destruction".
The proceedings of the World Climate Conference-3 (WCC-3), issued as a three-CD boxed set, presents the outcomes and organization of the Conference. The CD set also contains some relevant background material and a brief follow-up
A practical desk reference for Geneva-based organizations involved in environmental and sustainable development issues. It includes practical information for each organization and distills the nature of each organization's work into one- or two-paragraph summaries.
Geneva Environment Network (GEN), Secretariat, CH
Switzerland, Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV)
This report is a contribution to the UN's International Year of Biodiversity and is a complement to the UNEP-hosted Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) which is bringing visibility to the wealth of the world's natural capital.
This comprehensive resource manual explains why and how the reform of fisheries subsidies has become one of the most important international efforts to achieve global, environmental, economic and developmental policy coherence.