In 2021, IUCN launched the IUCN Flagship Report Series, to help demonstrate the importance of conserving nature for human well-being and all life on Earth. This report, the second in the series, focuses on agriculture and nature.
Collectively, Cercocebus and Mandrillus include nine species and two subspecies of African monkeys: seven species of Cercocebus and two of Mandrillus, including two drill subspecies.
Dempsey, A.
Fernández, D.
McCabe. G.
Abernethy, K.
Abwe, E.E.
Gonedelé Bi, S.
Kivai, S.M.
Ngoubangoye, B.
Maisels, F.
Matsuda Goodwin, R.
McGraw, W.S.
McLester, E.
ter Meulen, T.
Oates, J.F.
Paddock, C.L.
Savvantoglou, A.
Wiafe, E.D.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
Many protected areas worldwide overlap with ‘territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities’ or ‘ICCAs’ (Indigenous peoples’ and community conserved areas’). These overlapped ICCAs include conserved commons, sacred places and Indigenous and community protected areas.
Stevens, Stan
Eghenter, Cristina
Fitzsimons, James
Goradze, Irakli
Ironside, Jeremy
Mellis, Charlotte
Nitah, Steven
Parling, Phillipine
Reyes, Giovanni
Tabanao, Glaiza
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Governance, Equity and Rights Specialist Group
This Guidance for using the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions accompanies the Global Standardto provide the scientific basis and guidance for users.
In 2016 the term UUU (Unselective, Unsustainable and Unmonitored) fishing was developed and a Resolution of the World Conservation Congress, adopted by members, tasked IUCN’s Species Survival Commission with reporting on the concept.
Historically, droughts have caused extensive damage. Effective responses to drought remain a challenge, with reactive and crisis-oriented approaches dominating many interventions.
Ce présent ouvrage vise à déterminer la contribution économique des aires protégées et de la biodiversité dans les politiques et stratégies environnementales régionales de l’espace UEMOA-CEDEAO (Union Economique et monétaire Ouest Africaine et de la Mauritanie - Communauté économique des états de
IUCN, Central and West Africa Regional Programme (PACO)
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) are sites outside protected areas that deliver effective and long-term in situ conservation of biodiversity.
Jonas, Harry D.
MacKinnon, Kathy
Marnewick, Daniel
Wood, Pete
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures Specialist Group
The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems is the global standard for ecosystem risk assessment and a framework for monitoring the status of the world’s ecosystems.
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) are sites outside protected areas that deliver effective and long-term in situ conservation of biodiversity.
Jonas, Harry D.
MacKinnon, Kathy
Marnewick, Daniel
Wood, Pete
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures Specialist Group
As the most threatened vertebrate class on earth, amphibians are at the forefront of the biodiversity crisis, with the recognition of global amphibian declines and extinctions dating back several decades now.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Amphibian Specialist Group
This second edition of The state of protected and conserved areas in Eastern and Southern Africa builds on the first edition published in 2020 and provides updates on how the region is managing and governing protected and conserved areas, effectively providing a regional update on the pr
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)
Les solutions fondées sur la nature (SfN) sont des actions entreprises pour protéger, gérerdurablement et restaurer les écosystèmesnaturels et modifiés qui bénéficientsimultanément aux personnes et à la nature.
Las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza (SbN) son actividades emprendidas para proteger, gestionar de manera sostenible y restaurar los ecosistemas naturales y modificados en beneficio simultáneo de las personas y la naturaleza.
Our living planet is and has always been on the move. Many species move in search of necessities such as food, water, shelter, reproduction, and safety.
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
Debido a que los conflictos humano-vida silvestre son cada vez más frecuentes, graves y generalizados en todo el mundo, su resolución es cada vez más desafiante. Las directrices pretenden sentar las bases y los principios de las buenas prácticas, con orientaciones claras y prácticas sobre la mejor
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group (HWCCSG)
Como resposta a estas questões, foi desenvolvida uma classificação padronizada dos táxones exóticos, baseada na magnitude dos seus impactos ambientais.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Invasive Species Specialist Group
Alors que les conflits humains-faune sauvage sont de plus en plus fréquents, graves et répandus dans le monde entier, ils sont, comme chacun le sait, difficiles à résoudre, et de nombreuses initiatives prises pour les régler peinent à progresser.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group (HWCCSG)
The report emphasises the importance of respecting the rights of and supporting smallholder and local oil production systems due to their positive socio-economic outcomes and contribution to food security.
The coastal zone of West Africa extends approx. 6,000 km, from Mauritania in the north, passing through the deeply indented coasts of the islands and estuaries, then the lagoon coasts and the coastal strips of the Gulf of Guinea, up to Nigeria.
IUCN, Central and West Africa Regional Programme (PACO)
La zone côtière de l’Afrique de l’Ouest s’étend sur environ 6 000 km, depuis la Mauritanie au nord, en passant par les côtes rofondément découpées des îles et des estuaires, puis les côtes lagunaires et les cordons littoraux du Golfe de Guinée, jusqu’au Nigéria.
IUCN, Central and West Africa Regional Programme (PACO)
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) are sites outside protected areas that deliver effective and long-term in situ conservation of biodiversity.
Jonas, Harry D.
MacKinnon, Kathy
Marnewick, Daniel
Wood, Pete
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures Specialist Group
Поскольку конфликты между человеком и дикой природой становятся все более частыми, серьезными и широко распространенными во всем мире, их решение, как известно, является сложной задачей, и многие усилия, направленные на решение этих конфликтов, с трудом достигают прогресса. Данное Руководство явл
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group (HWCCSG)
O comércio ilegal de animais silvestres aumentou dramaticamente na última década; no entanto, os esforços de fiscalização destinados a mitigar essa ameaça também o fizeram.
This publication provides initial guidance to countries on key enabling tools for attracting public and private sector investments in conservation and how to navigate the process.
Otras medidas eficaces de conservación basadas en áreas (OMEC) son sitios situados fuera de las áreas protegidas que ofrecen una conservación in situ eficaz y a largo plazo de la biodiversidad.
Jonas, Harry D.
MacKinnon, Kathy
Marnewick, Daniel
Wood, Pete
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures Specialist Group
Outras medidas eficazes de conservação baseadas em áreas (OECMs) são locais fora de áreas protegidas que proporcionam conservação in situ eficaz e de longo prazo da biodiversidade.
Jonas, Harry D.
MacKinnon, Kathy
Marnewick, Daniel
Wood, Pete
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures Specialist Group
Tindakan konservasi berbasis area yang efektif lainnya (OECM) adalah tapak di luar kawasan perlindungan yang memberikan pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati secara in situ yang efektif dan jangka panjang.
Jonas, Harry D.
MacKinnon, Kathy
Marnewick, Daniel
Wood, Pete
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures Specialist Group
Les autres mesures de conservation efficaces par zone (AMCEZ) concernent les sites situés en dehors des aires protégées qui assurent une conservation in situ efficace et à long terme de la biodiversité.
Jonas, Harry D.
MacKinnon, Kathy
Marnewick, Daniel
Wood, Pete
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures Specialist Group
Se ha elaborado una clasificación unificada de los taxones exóticos basada en la magnitud de su impacto ambiental (de aquí en adelante, la Clasificación del impacto ambiental de taxones exóticos, abreviada como EICAT por sus siglas en inglés) en respuesta a estas cuestiones.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Invasive Species Specialist Group
À medida que os conflitos entre humanos e animais selvagens se tornam mais frequentes, sérios e distribuídos em todo o mundo, eles são notoriamente difíceis de resolver, e muitos esforços para lidar com esses conflitos enfrentam dificuldades para fazer progressos.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group (HWCCSG)
Indigenous and Local communities are keepers of valuable environmental knowledge accumulated over generations. This knowledge is held individually and collectively, often orally transmitted and embodied.
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), Mountain Ecosystems Specialist Group
The Abu Dhabi Red List of Ecosystems contributes to meeting important targets of the new EAD strategy (2021-2025) by describing the health status and the loss of critical habitats from Abu Dhabi.
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are activities undertaken to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural and modified ecosystems to simultaneously benefit people and nature.
The IUCN Urban Alliance, a broad coalition of IUCN constituents concerned with the urban dimensions of nature conservation, has unveiled a new knowledge product for measuring the ecological performance of cities: the IUCN Urban Nature Indexes (UNI).
L’Alliance urbaine de l’UICN, une large coalition d’entités constitutives de l’UICN concernées par les dimensions urbaines de la conservation de la nature, a dévoilé un nouvel produit de connaissance pour mesurer la performance écologique des villes : les Index de nature urbaine de l’UICN (en ang
La Alianza Urbana de la UICN, una amplia coalición de Miembros de la UICN preocupados por las dimensiones urbanas de la conservación de la naturaleza, ha presentado un nuevo producto de conocimiento para medir el desempeño ecológico de las ciudades: los Índices de Naturaleza Urbana (INU) de la UI
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) are sites outside protected areas that deliver effective and long-term in situ conservation of biodiversity.
Jonas, Harry D.
MacKinnon, Kathy
Marnewick, Daniel
Wood, Pete
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures Specialist Group
The coaching manual (COMIT) is for the second version of the Integrated Management Effectiveness Tool (IMET) and of coaching or professional support for protected area management teams.
Paolini, Carlo
Rakotobe, Domoina
IUCN, Central and West Africa Regional Programme (PACO)
Protected areas are considered one of the most effective and widely used methods for biodiversity conservation on a global scale. Therefore, effective, and equitable management and operation of these areas are crucial for conserving their biodiversity.
The development of linear transport infrastructure (LTI) can have a variety of direct and indirect impacts on protected and conserved areas (PCAs) and other intact areas with high biodiversity and ecological connectivity values.
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group