This list contains 26216 entry(ies).
An evaluation of the sources of illogical decisions explores the reasons why irrational thought often overcomes level-headed practices, offering insight into the structural patterns that cause people to make the same mistakes repeatedly.
"After nearly a decade on the defensive, the world of science is about to be restored to its rightful place. But is the American public really ready for science? And is the world of science ready for the American public?
- World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Myers, Samuel S. (Samuel Skipworth)
This nonfiction narrative set in the Kalahari dramatizes the timeless struggle over water, the fulcrum of political power. Facing drought, scarcity and climate change the besieged indigenous Bushmen use voluntary survival strategies while Botswana's government enforces regulatory rule.
This is the purpose of this collaborative work between the UNDP and Conabio which tells how, in a relatively short time and with varying scopes, the management of our natural capital was structured.
- Mexico, Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
A practical desk reference for Geneva-based organizations involved in environmental and sustainable development issues. It includes practical information for each organization and distills the nature of each organization's work into one- or two-paragraph summaries.
- Geneva Environment Network (GEN), Secretariat, CH
- Switzerland, Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV)
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
This book aims to give more specific and more easily accessible information about Dokdo's ecological, geological, and meteorological conditions, and marine ecosystem.
Le secteur de la pêche en Afrique de l'Ouest est d'une importance cruciale, autant pour les économies des pays de la sous-région que pour la sécurité alimentaire des populations.
- Programme régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)
- Fondation internationale du Banc d'Arguin (FIBA)
- Programme régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)
- Parc national du Banc d'Arguin, MR
- Réseau des Aires Marines Protégées d'Afrique de l'Ouest
- Programme régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)
This publication compiles the diary of Paolo Videsott, one of the founders of IUCN and a major figure in nature conservation in Italy, written during his imprisonment by Nazis between 1943 and 1945, and correspondence written between 1981 and 2006.
- Videsott, Paolo
- Pedrotti, Franco
Current trends in fossil-fuel use and inefficient land use will lead to large global environmental problems with respect to climate change and biodiversity loss. Technical and economically feasible options are available to meet the challenge to avoid these problems.
- Netherlands, Environmental Assessment Agency
More than twenty years have passed since community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) rose to prominence in different parts of Africa as a strategy for rural development, local empowerment, and conservation.
- Roe, Dilys
- Sandbrook, Chris
- Nelson, Fred
- IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
This book provides a year-by-year summary of the highlights of the four decades of the World Economic Forum. For the most part, it tells the Forum's story through the eyes of its members, the participants in its activities, and its leadership, as well as through media reports
- IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
To help shape a research programme proposed by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), this report seeks to highlight some of the critical issues facing water ecosystem services in Africa, South Asia and Latin America and makes recommendations on the research that is needed to fil
- Batchelor, Charles
- Bond, Ivan
- Hope, Chris
- Mayers, James
- Morrison, Elaine
- Wheeler, Breana
- IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
- United Kingdom, Department for International Development (DFID)
Ce rapport passe en revue l'expérience acquise en matière de déplacement des populations touchées par les barrages en Afrique de l'Ouest au cours des 40 dernières années et examine les mécanismes qui permettent un partage plus équitable des bénéfices issus des barrages en veillant à ce que les co
- Skinner, Jamie
- Naisse, Madiodio
- Haas, Lawrence
- IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
This report takes another look at the costs of adapting to climate change. The estimates for 2030 used by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are likely to be substantial under-estimates. Professor Martin Parry and his co-authors look at the estimates from a range of perspectives.
- Arnell, Nigel
- Berry, Pam
- Dodman, David
- Fankhauser, Samuel
- Hope, Chris
- Kovats, Sari
- Nicholls, Robert
- Parry, Martin L.
- Satterthwaite, David
- Tiffin, Richard
- Wheeler, T. R.
- Grantham Institute for Climate Change, UK
- IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Deforestation and forest degradation are two of the main causes of the progressing loss of terrestrial biodiversity and are continuing at an alarming rate worldwide, especially in tropical countries.
- Schmitt, Christine B.
- Pistorius, Till
- Winkel, Georg
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Denkmalschutz und Naturschutz sind zwei Disziplinen, die sich dem Schutz und der Pflege kulturhistorisch bedeutsamer Einzelobjekte, aber auch Ensembles und ganzen Landschaften annehmen.
- Blucha, Jürgen
- Körner, Stefan
- Nagel, Annemarie
- Wiersbinski, Norbert
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Im Bereich des ehemaligen Eisernen Vorhangs, der früheren Grenze zwischen Ost und West, konnte sich aufgrund der Nutzungsruhe und Abgeschiedenheit über Jahrzehnte ein zusammenhängendes Band von zum Teil wertvollen Biotopen entwickeln, das heutige Grüne Band.
- Riecken, Uwe
- Leidorf, Klaus
- Ullrich, Karin Susanne
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Films included in this compilation are "Mekong: Watch That River!" (2009); "Small Islands, Big Impact" (2009); "South Asia: Crowded Land, Drying Rivers" (2009); and "Yellow River Blues" (2009).
Le Maroc entreprend une initiative de grande envergure visant l'établissement d'un réseau national d'aires protégées écologiquement représentatif et adéquatement géré.
- Morocco, Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte contre le Désertification
The new Annual Report series contains information on the activities of the International Whaling Commission during the previous year. In particular it will contain the Chairman's Report of the Annual Meeting.
- International Whaling Commission, UK
The report on the environment of Andalusia is the most consolidated annual environmental information resource in our Autonomous Community, constituting as well an important reference within Spain and the European countries.
- Spain, Junta de Andalucia
- Spain, Junta de Andalucía
- Spain, Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Medio Ambiente
- Spain, Junta de Andalucia, Consejería de Medio Ambiente
- Spain, Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Medio Ambiente
- Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, CH
The starting point of the present study is the fact that the quality of biotopes in Switzerland that are nationally protected is deteriorating and some are also shrinking in size. There are nearly 6000 biotopes in Switzerland, covering about 2% of the country's surface area.
- Pro Natura, CH
- Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, CH
- Swiss Academy of Sciences, CH
The working conference had as its principal theme to learn about the science of adaptation and mitigation, and related issues of biodiversity conservation issues in the context of United Nations' climate change negotiations.
- Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC)
The focus of the Windhoek conference was a sharing of experiences of how mapping and other participatory applications of geo-spatial information technology (GIT) can help empower indigenous peoples and rural communities to protect biodiversity and the natural resources on which they are reliant.<
- Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC)
This report documents the discussions and conclusions of the Technical Workshop that was held to evaluate the current limitations in the monitoring of the shark fisheries and the trade in shark products and to recommend strategies for improving the situation.
This study looks at natural disasters and forced displacement in the context of climate change.
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC)
- Norwegian Refugee Council, NO
- United Nations, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
The Alberto Löfgren State Park (PEAL) is a conservation unit of indirect use, with 174 hectares, located in the northern city of São Paulo, which receives an enormous amount of public visitors.
- Andrade, Waldir Joel de
- Eston, Marilda Rapp de
- Reis, Alessandra Friere de
- Herculiani, Sueli
This overview document provides an introduction to the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme, its work to date, the principles and challenges of offset development, and the programmes vision for the future.
- Forest Trends, US
- Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP)
This report presents a biogeographic classification for global open ocean and deep sea areas (GOODS). It has been compiled by an international expert group initiated at a workshop held in Mexico City, Mexico, in January 2007, and is based on the input of many scientists and managers.
- UNESCO, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
Animals need adequate resources so that their populations not only survive but thrive. So they seek places that can best provide them. Yet, they face several challenges, while obtaining these resources, e.g., predators, competitors and physical obstacles: mountains and rivers.
During the past several years, biofuels in rich countries have come to be regarded as an important option for reducing consumption of petroleum, which is a main policy goal as a result of recent high oil prices, energy security concerns, and global climate change.
- Sulle, Emmanuel
- Nelson, Fred
- IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Relates to a species endemic to Spain, Lepus castroviejoi or the broom hare.
- Ballesteros, Fernando
- Palacios, Borja
- Spain, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
- Spain, Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales
This document attempts to provide a roadmap at recognising and evaluating threats to any Tiger Reserve and formulating an appropriate response to such threats.
- TRAFFIC International
- India, Ministry of Environment and Forests
This paper applies contingent valuation to assess public awareness of tropical deforestation; to investigate the willingness to pay (WTP) to conserve tropical forests; and to determine the impact of the payment vehicle on the stated willingness to pay.
- Huberman, David
- Faust, Anne-Kathrin
- Baranzini, Andrea
- Centre de Recherche Appliquée en Gestion (HEG), CH
These Guidelines have been developed in response to requests for further information on the practical adoption and application of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF), with a special focus on its human dimensions.
The Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries are of a voluntary nature.
In 2009, the International Seabed Authority, in conjunction with the Energy, Environment and Development Programme of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in the United Kingdom, convened a seminar for a group of invited experts to discuss the issues associated with article
- International Seabed Authority, JM
Flussauen spielen für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt, den naturverträglichen Hochwasserschutz und die Anpassungen an den Klimawandel eine wichtige Rolle.
- Brunotte, Ernst
- Dister, Emil
- Günther-Diringer, Detlef
- Koenzen, Uwe
- Mehl, Dietmar
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Final Report of the Task Force 06/2007 constituted by the PPV & FRA, vide OM No. PPV & FRA/6-22/07/1312, dated October, 08, 2007, to identify the agrobiodiversit hotspots in India for the purposes of the "National Gene Fund" usage.
- Nayle, Greg
- Singh, A. K. (Anirudh K.)
- Narayanan Nair, K.
- India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
- India, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority (PPV & FRA)
Final Report of the Task Force 06/2007 constituted by the PPV & FRA, vide OM No. PPV & FRA/6-22/07/1312, dated October, 08, 2007, to identify the agrobiodiversit hotspots in India for the purposes of the "National Gene Fund" usage.
- Nayle, Greg
- Singh, A. K. (Anirudh K.)
- Narayanan Nair, K.
- India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
- India, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority (PPV & FRA)
Mit der Verabschiedung des UN-Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt im Jahr 1992 und dem Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG) von 2002 hielt der Begriff biologische Vielfalt Einzug in die Naturschutzkonzeptionen in Deutschland.
- Lichtl, Martin
- Rohr, Cornelia
- Kasperczyk, Nadja
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Wie kaum ein anderer Wirtschaftszweig ist der Tourismus auf eine ansprechende Natur und Umwelt angewiesen. Die Naturschönheiten und die kulturelle Ausstattung eines Landes, stellen ein wichtiges Kapital dar, dessen Sicherung für den Tourismus daher von großer Bedeutung ist.
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Zoologische und Botanische Gärten sowie Freilichtmuseen sind beliebte Freizeiteinrichtungen mit einem sehr breiten Besucherspektrum.
- Löhne, Cornelia
- Friedrich, Karoline
- Kiefer, Iris
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz