This landmark volume provides a wealth of information to guide the conservation of the world’s fifteen species of cranes and the ecosystems where they occur. It reflects the work and knowledge of dozens of devoted colleagues in the IUCN Species Survival Commission’s Crane Specialist Group.
Mirande, Claire M.
Harris, James T.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Crane Specialist Group
IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands (IUCN NL) commissioned this assessment of wildlife poaching and trafficking in the Amazon in order to enhance understanding of the issue and inform potential future engagement.
Bu tür tanımlama rehberi, Akdeniz’de yürütülen balıkçılık faaliyetleri sırasında tesadüfi avlanan hassas tür-leri izleme çalışmalarına destek olmak üzere hazırlanmıştır.
Ce guide d'identification a été développé pour faciliter la surveillance des prises accessoires d'espèces vulnérables dans les zones de pêche de la Méditerranée.
Au cours des dernières années, la biologie de synthèse est apparue comme un ensemble de techniques et de technologies permettant à l’homme de lire, interpréter, modifier, concevoir et fabriquer de l’ADN, afin d’influencer rapidement les formes et les fonctions des cellules et des organismes et, p
IUCN Task Force on Synthetic Biology and Biodiversity Conservation
Au cours des dernières années, la biologie de synthèse est apparue comme un ensemble de techniques et de technologies permettant à l’homme de lire, interpréter, modifier, concevoir et fabriquer de l’ADN, afin d’influencer rapidement les formes et les fonctions des cellules et des organismes et, p
IUCN Task Force on Synthetic Biology and Biodiversity Conservation
The ocean represents 97% of the physical habitable space on the planet and is central to sustaining all life on Earth. Since 2000 significant and dedicated effort has been directed at raising awareness and understanding of the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions on the ocean.
The ocean represents 97% of the physical habitable space on the planet and is central to sustaining all life on Earth. Since 2000 significant and dedicated effort has been directed at raising awareness and understanding of the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions on the ocean.
The development of this second edition of these guidelines was in part a response to evidence of the widespread incorrect application of the categories to marine protected areas (MPAs).
In November 2018, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted at the 14th Conference of the Parties a definition of an "other effective area-based conservation measure" (OECM) as well as guiding principles, common characteristics and criteria for identification of OECMs (CBD/COP/DEC
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Task Force on Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures
To showcase how increased returns on investment opportunities can be achieved by applying a nexus approach, best practices of the water-energy-food nexus were collected in the form of several case studies.
Dalton, James
Welling, Rebecca
Meyer, Kristin
Koundouno, Jérôme
Lindelien, Maria Carreño
Riddell, P. J.
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO)
Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC)
To showcase how increased returns on investment opportunities can be achieved by applying a nexus approach, best practices of the water-energy-food nexus were collected in the form of several case studies.
Dalton, James
Welling, Rebecca
Meyer, Kristin
Koundouno, Jérôme
Lindelien, Maria Carreño
Riddell, P. J.
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO)
Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC)
This capacity needs assessment identifies opportunities for institutional capacity development to strengthen multi-sectoral planning and implementation in order to create an enabling environment for nexus perspectives in Central Asia.
Meyer, Kristin
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO)
Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC)
This institutional analysis looks at existing institutional arragements, provides insights into barriers and opportunities of the practical application of the water-energy-food security nexus in Central Asia and considers options for improved multi-sectoral dialogue and cooperation.
Meyer, Kristin
Issakhojayev, Rustam
Kiktenko, Ludmila
Kushanova, Aksulu
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO)
Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC)
This independent technical review assesses the "Strategic environmental assessment report for the proposed Rufiji hydropower project", dated April 2019, that relates to the planned Rufiji River Hydropower Project (RRHP).
En los últimos años, la biología sintética ha surgido como un conjunto de técnicas y tecnologías que permiten a los seres humanos leer, interpretar, modificar, diseñar y producir ADN para influir rápidamente en las formas y funciones de las células y los organismos, con el potencial de llegar a e
IUCN Task Force on Synthetic Biology and Biodiversity Conservation
En los últimos años, la biología sintética ha surgido como un conjunto de técnicas y tecnologías que permiten a los seres humanos leer, interpretar, modificar, diseñar y producir ADN para influir rápidamente en las formas y funciones de las células y los organismos, con el potencial de llegar a e
IUCN Task Force on Synthetic Biology and Biodiversity Conservation
This report belongs to series of three related reports. This report investigates what legal compliance means for protecting forests and ecosystems in the main Latin American countries of origin for European soy: Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.
El comercio ilegal de vida silvestre ha aumentado dramáticamente en la última década; sin embargo, también lo han hecho los esfuerzos de aplicación destinados a mitigar esta amenaza.
Au cours des dix dernières années, le problème du trafic illicite des espèces sauvages est devenu très grave, mais, face à cette menace, les autorités ont répondu à l’appel, redoublant d’efforts pour corriger la situation.
El Objetivo 15 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) consiste en «proteger, restaurar y promover el aprovechamiento sostenible de los ecosistemas terrestres, la gestión sostenible de los bosques, la lucha contra la desertización, así como detener e invertir la degradación de los suelos
L’objectif de développement durable (ODD) n° 15 vise à : « Protéger, restaurer et promouvoir l’utilisation durable des écosystèmes terrestres, gérer durablement les forêts, lutter contre la désertification, stopper et inverser la dégradation des terres et la perte de biodiversité.
El nuevo reto de la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE) impone la necesidad, no solo de definir las medidas de adaptación necesarias para poder alcanzarlo, sino también los componentes sólidos de gobernanza para hacerlo efectivo.
Gobernanza y gestión de áreas protegidas presenta un compendio de texto original, estudios de caso y ejemplos de todo el mundo, a partir de la literatura, el conocimiento y la experiencia de las personas involucradas en áreas protegidas.
Biodiversity and Protected Area Management (BIOPAMA) Programme
Colombia, Parques Nacionales Naturales
United States, National Parks Service
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
Timely action to prevent, reduce and reverse land degradation can improve food and water security, contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, and avoid conflicts and migration.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Secretariat
In the Northeast Asia sub-region, environmental pollution, transboundary sand and dust storms (SDS), agricultural expansion, deforestation, and overgrazing are growing challenges that are being further complicated by the impacts of climate change.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Secretariat
This study is aimed at the assessment of current policies as well as regulatory and legal frameworks on renewable energy and energy efficiency, water management, the food security nexus and sustainable development in the countries of Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia.
The objective of this assignment is to prepare an investment strategy for coffee and cash crop production in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam which complies with the nexus principles of maximizing economic benefits across the Srepok and Sesan river basins.