An environmental flow is the water regime provided within a river, wetland or coastal zone to maintain ecosystems and their benefits where there are competing water uses and where flows are regulated.
An environmental flow is the water regime provided within a river, wetland or coastal zone to maintain ecosystems and their benefits where there are competing water uses and where flows are regulated.
Numerous scientific studies show that biodiversity in Europe has been declining rapidly for some time and that this pattern has been matched by the great periods of expansion and intensification of land use.
The first practical hands-on guide to repairing the damage done by irresponsible forest activity, explaining how to increase the resilience of landscapes and the communities they support.
The flora of the Mediterranean islands includes many rare and localised species unique to the islands. Some of these are particularly threatened with extinction due to various pressures caused by people and their activities in Mediterranean ecosystems.
Montmollin, Bertrand de
Strahm, Wendy
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Mediterranean Islands Plant Specialist Group
The flora of the Mediterranean islands includes many rare and localised species unique to the islands. Some of these are particularly threatened with extinction due to various pressures caused by people and their activities in Mediterranean ecosystems.
Montmollin, Bertrand de
Strahm, Wendy
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Mediterranean Islands Plant Specialist Group
This study of contemporary timber trade has provided a revealing example of how governance shortfalls in the forestry sector can ultimately affect the prospects for achieving national economic growth and poverty objectives.
Milledge, Simon
Gelvas, Ised
Ahrends, Antje
TRAFFIC East-Southern Africa
Tanzania, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
The African Elephant Database is a spatial database used to store, manage, analyze and disseminate information on the distribution and abundance of elephant populations on the African continent, in order to provide a current and accurate picture of the status African elephants.
Blanc, Julian J.
Barnes, R. F. W.
Craig, G. C.
Dublin, Holly T.
Thouless, C. R.
Douglas-Hamilton, Iain
Hart, J. A.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), African Elephant Specialist Group
A massively important book in our new age of conflict that makes clear the links between international trade policy, aid and conflict and war over the control of resources such as oil, water, timber and diamonds.
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), CA
Though various studies and scientific assessments highlight the contribution of the forestry sector in terms of various ecosystem services, not much work has been initiated on the valuation of and the accounting for the ecological functions of forest ecosystems.
In this paper, the authors attempt to value the biodiversity functions of India's natural ecosystems and suggest a method to adjust national (GDP) and state income (GSDP) accounts.
This book provides a wealth of factual material to prove that we are indeed experiencing worldwide climate change. The main focus of the book is on Switzerland. It demonstrates how climate change affects mountainous regions and glaciers, agriculture, forests, but also the tourism industry.
Former Vice President Al Gore presents an eye-opening and compelling view of the future of our planet—and our civilization—in this must-see documentary.
In this impassioned work, E.O. Wilson proposes an historic partnership between scientists and religious leaders to preserve Earth's rapidly vanishing biodiversity. Our Earth, Creation itself, is in desperate need, Wilson writes.
This book describes the 14 sites in Fiji which are of global importance for bird conservation. These Important Bird Areas (IBAs) are priorities for conserving the natural heritage of Fiji for future generations.
When Kenneth Wright went hiking through Mesa Verde National Park with his wife, he didn't expect to be pulled into a research project on ancient waterworks. But he was. It started with a structure called the Morefield Mound.
Este libro busca: 1. examinar las dimensiones política, económica, cultural y ecológica de la soberanía alimenticia 2. generar e intercambiar conocimiento técnicamente informado y aplicable prácticamente 3. Facilitar la formación de alianzas entre culturas entre los EE.UU.
Cohn, Avery
Cook, Jonathan
Fernández, Margarita
Reider, Rebecca
Steward, Corrina
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, US
Global Biodiversity Outlook 2 assesses the current status and trends of biodiversity and the key drivers of biodiversity loss. It provides a powerful case for the importance of biodiversity to human well-being.
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
International trade rules have significant impacts on environmental law and policy, at the domestic, regional and global levels. At the World Trade Organization (WTO), dispute settlement tribunals are increasingly called to decide on environment- and health-related questions.
More than 150 experts, scientists, NGO representatives, students and other interested individuals participated in the International Conference on the “Conservation and Management of Vulture Populations” (14-16 November 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece).
Houston, David (David C.)
Piper, Steven E.
Natural History Museum of the University of Crete, GR
This book revisits many of the places and species covered in the "Planet Earth" television series on BBc and, through the thoughts and opinions of more than 40 international experts and leaders, reveals what the future is likely to hold for them and, ultimately, for mankind.