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Business and environment in Botswana

Complete Title: 
Business and environment in Botswana
IUCN Grey Literature



This report is based on a 3-month project assessing business and environment in Botswana. The project concentrated on an assessment of the interests, needs, concerns and constraints of the business community in environmental and resouce management. Top managers and environmental officers in key production and service companies, government departments, NGOs and local authorities were approached for their opinions. A reference group was also established to provide guidance. This two-part report presents the key findings and recommendations of the assessment study, and relates the proceedings of a seminar where the recommendations of the study were discussed and ideas for the future of environmental and resource management in Botswana were exchanged between stakeholders.

Seminar on Business and Environment in Botswana, Gaborone, BW, 19 August 1998
Gaborone : IUCN, 1999
Physical Description: 
135p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

The seminar's report forms the second part of the volume.

Geographic keywords:

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2023/08/21