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Exploring water futures together : Mekong Region Waters Dialogue : resource papers from regional dialogue

Complete Title: 
Exploring water futures together : Mekong Region Waters Dialogue : resource papers from regional dialogue
IUCN Publication



On 6-7 July 2006, the Mekong River Waters Dialogue: Exploring Water Futures Together was held in Ventaine, Lao PDR. The dialogue was a regional multi-stakeholder platform organised to provide an opportunity for a high-quality, multi-faceted debate and learning that will contribute to improving water governance in the Mekong Region. A report from the Dialogue, produced in 2007, synthesised the proceedings into a straightforward, analytical narrative which attempted to take account of all the presentations and discussions, and reflect the substance of the Dialogue. That report also included (as Annexes) follow-up letters from the co-conveners to the Mekong River Commission, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. This document is a companion volume to that previously issued report. This document is a compilation of most of the papers and powerpoint slides presented at the Dialogue and is provided as a resource for those engaged in Mekong River water governance.

Monographic Series no.: 
Mekong River Waters Dialogue, Ventaine, Lao PDR, 6-7 July 2006
Ventaine, LA : IUCN, 2007
Physical Description: 
132 p. : ill., fig.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references.


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Record created: 2013/09/13
Record updated: 2025/01/04