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Guide to corporate ecosystem valuation : a framework for improving corporate decision-making

Complete Title: 
Guide to corporate ecosystem valuation : a framework for improving corporate decision-making
Non IUCN Publication

Ecosystem valuation is a complex topic with extensive jargon and rapidly evolving techniques. Although a multitude of related guidelines already exist, none cater directly for the needs of business. As companies start to show an interest in CEV, it is therefore essential to provide an approach that they can follow and rely upon, that is accepted by planners and decisionmakers, and which has been developed through a process of close collaboration with businesses themselves. This is what this Guide to Corporate Ecosystem Valuation aims to do.

Geneva, CH : WBCSD, 2011
Physical Description: 
73p. : ill., maps
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references

Call number:

Record created: 2013/09/13
Record updated: 2024/07/09