The current book presents and summarizes works and projects finalized during the second course of Klagenfurt University's postgraduate M.Sc programme on "Management in Protected Areas" (2007 to 2009).
Peatlands provide many important ecosystem services, including water regulation, biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration and storage. This report informs on management and finance options to achieve emissions reductions and enhance other vital ecosystem services from peatlands.
The 2012 report card highlights three focal sections: existing and emerging threats to reef health an assessment on the current state of the reef and social context; highlights of reef conservation actions across the region, including the prioritized recommendations to foster healthy reefs and he
The topic of intangible natural heritage is new, recently emerging as an important subject of inquiry. It describes the untouchable elements of the environment that combine to create natural objects, and help define our relationship to them.
The topic of intangible natural heritage is new, recently emerging as an important subject of inquiry. It describes the untouchable elements of the environment that combine to create natural objects, and help define our relationship to them.
Ce livre aborde les effets néfastes mais aussi bénéfiques des missions militaires sur la biodiversité, et explore comment la nature devient un nouvel enjeu géopolitique.
This document was written to facilitate the preparation of the guidelines that FAO is preparing to assist forest managers to understand, assess and implement climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
The International Journal of Heritage Studies ( IJHS ) is the interdisciplinary academic, refereed journal for scholars and practitioners with a common interest in heritage.
InDesign CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide highlights the important new features, as well as covering the ones readers have relied on in previous versions of InDesign.
For the first time a comprehensive overview of geo-conservation in Europe has been presented in a book. Geoheritage in Europe and its Conservation includes specific contributions from 37 countries focussing on legislation and geoconservation practices. The only record of the history of o
Smith-Meyer, S.
Wimbledon, W.A.P.
The European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage (ProGEO)
The effects of climate change on ecosystems are complex. The impact on the species and habitats protected by the Bern Convention may differ widely, depending on the species, their habitats and location.
This report provides an reassessment of the human and economic costs of the climate crisis. The reassessment is based on a wealth of the latest research and scientific work on climate change and the carbon economy.
This document summarizes TRAFFIC’s comprehensive overview of events and dynamics currently driving an escalating illicit trade in rhino horns from South Africa to Viet Nam.
This book is concentrated on forest environmental issues from the perspective of reforestation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea using international and national experience and opportunities.
Cet ouvrage invite à découvrir les 20 plus grands lacs de France, et fait la part belle à la photographie, présentant l'histoire de ces lacs, leur faune et leur flore au fil des saisons, mettant en valeur les lieux remarquables comme les endroits plus cachés, pour mieux en capter l'atmosphère et
The popularity of outdoor recreation and ecotourism continues to grow worldwide. However, there is little systematic information on how to manage outdoor recreation in ways that protect park resources and the quality of the visitor experience.
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Nuesiri, Emmanuel O.
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Kashwan, Prakash
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Ribot, Jesse C.
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Kashwan, Prakash
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Rutt, Rebecca L.
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Mutasa, Mukundi
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Anderson, Emily
Zerriffi, Hisham
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
This publication contains references to existing guidelines on sustainable tourism as well as many other useful materials on developing and managing sustainable tourism. It is relevant to wetland site managers, tourism and wetland policy-makers and planners, and the private sector (including tho
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar Convention Bureau
La población indígena de la Muskitia carece de instrumentos que le permita negociar y defender sus derechos reconocidos en los marcos legales nacionales e internacionales, principalmente cuando se trata de acciones de conservación de los recursos naturales desde la cosmovisión indígena.
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
IUCN, Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC)
Mosquitia Asla Takanka-Unidad de la Mosquitia (MASTA), HN
In an increasingly crowded world reconciling environmental ‘conservation’ with the ‘sustainable use’ of natural resources is now our greatest challenge.
Everyone has a relationship to land, but not everyone's right to land is secure. The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) recognizes that conventional ways of managing land are not realistically going to meet the needs of millions of people.
Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
As one of the world’s leading field biologists, author George Schaller has spent much of his life traversing wild and isolated places in his quest to understand and conserve threatened species. Tibet Wild is Schaller’s account of three decades of exploration in the most remote stretches
Despite the impressive number of legal texts and many good intentions, real progress in solving the environmental challenges themselves has been much less comprehensive.
Published to coincide with the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, UNEP's 2012 Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5) calls on world leaders to take immediate action to address international environmental degradation and turn world-wide discussion of sustainable development into practice.