Building capacities in protected area management is a priority for the development and conservation of parks and reserves in West Africa, since a wide range of knowledge and skills is required to manage protected areas, and since the training provided by most water and forestry departments does n
Leading companies in the primary natural resource sectors are setting more targeted and measureable enviornmental goals, which in regards to biodiversity-related risks, are increasingly framed as "No Net Loss" (NNL) or "Net Positive Impact" (NPI) goals.
Across the globe, women are heavily involved in the environmental sector, including in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and in adapting to and mitigating climate change.
La chasse de viande de brousse représente l’une des grandes menaces pour les écosystèmes forestiers mondiaux. Outre l’utilisation d’approches descendantes (telles que l’application des lois nationales sur la chasse), les projets visant à promouvoir de nouveaux moyens de subsistance ont été mis en
Coad, Lauren
Wicander, Sylvia
IUCN, Central and West Africa Regional Programme (PACO)
University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute
Bushmeat hunting represents one of the biggest threats to tropical forest ecosystems. In addition to the use of top-down approaches (such as the enforcement of national hunting laws), alternative livelihood projects have been implemented at the community level with the aim of reducing hunting thr
Coad, Lauren
Wicander, Sylvia
IUCN, Central and West Africa Regional Programme (PACO)
University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute
La obra que se presenta ilustra las regulaciones y procesos necesarios en cada uno de los paises de la región para alcanzar lo que podríamos denominar la legalidad en el aprovechamiento forestal y exportación de madera.
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
IUCN, Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC)
A companion volume to Keeping the Wild: Against the Domestication of Earth, Protecting the Wild provides a necessary addition to the conversation about the future of conservation in the so-called Anthropocene.
Globally, disasters due to natural hazards takes an enormous toll in terms of human lives, destruction to crops and livelihoods, and economic losses. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) has therefore become a critical part of sustainable development strategies.
Globally, disasters due to natural hazards takes an enormous toll in terms of human lives, destruction to crops and livelihoods, and economic losses. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) has therefore become a critical part of sustainable development strategies.
Le hotspot (point chaud) de la biodiversité du bassin méditerranéen est bien connu pour l'importance que sa biodiversité revêt à l'échelle mondiale, mais l'importance de la biodiversité d'eau douce n'était pas reconnue précédemment.
How to sustain our world for future generations has perplexed us for centuries. This book uses systems thinking to understand the dominant forces that are shaping our hope for sustainability.
Ugo Bardi delivers a sweeping history of the mining industry, starting with its humble beginning when our early ancestors started digging underground to find the stones they needed for their tools.
The world increasingly relies on groundwater resources for drinking water and the provision of food for a growing population. The utilization of aquifer systems also extends beyond freshwater supply to include other resources such as heat extraction and the storage and disposal of substances.
This guidebook features the natural and cultural wealth of the Shouf Biosphere Reserve. Inspiring photographs take us on a memorable journey to discover the stunning beauty of the Reserve's fauna and flora.
The Shouf Biosphere Reserve is the largest nature reserve in Lebanon. This field guide provides visitors with a broad introduction to the reserve and serves as a guide for hikers, bikers, nature lovers, students, and people escaping the crowded life of big cities.
Suite au 1er volume « contexte et enjeux » des services écologiques, le Comité français de l’UICN publie 6 brochures présentant les services écologiques fournis par 6 grands types d’écosystèmes français (métropole et outre-mer) présentés selon les 4 catégories définies dans le Millennium Ecosyste
Suite au 1er volume « contexte et enjeux » des services écologiques, le Comité français de l’UICN publie 6 brochures présentant les services écologiques fournis par 6 grands types d’écosystèmes français (métropole et outre-mer) présentés selon les 4 catégories définies dans le Millennium Ecosyste
Suite au 1er volume « contexte et enjeux » des services écologiques, le Comité français de l’UICN publie 6 brochures présentant les services écologiques fournis par 6 grands types d’écosystèmes français (métropole et outre-mer) présentés selon les 4 catégories définies dans le Millennium Ecosyste
After nearly fifty years since his first journey to the tropics exploring for plants, and a total of thirty-nine expeditions to the Amazon, Professor Sir Ghillean Prance has gathered in this volume a fascinating and diverse collection of accounts from these experiences, along with his thoughts on
In this book, Bernard Amadei addresses the role of engineering in poverty reduction and human development. He introduces a framework to help engineers conduct small-scale projects in communities vulnerable to the consequences of a wide range of adverse events.
El manual ofrece orientaciones a los Estados Partes y a todos los que intervienen en el cuidado de los bienes del Patrimonio Mundial cultural sobre la manera de cumplir las prescripciones de la Convención.
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
Le manuel offre aux États parties, et à toutes les personnes impliquées dans la gestion des biens culturels du patrimoine mondial, des orientations sur la manière de satisfaire aux exigences dictées par la Convention. Il vise également à aider les États parties à garantir que leur patrimoine jou
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
There is a growing recognition that living well must go beyond economic and material plenty to encompass social and spiritual well-being. This book provides an introduction to the concept of human well-being as it relates to international rural development and conservation policy and practice.
WIPO's World Intellectual Property Indicators 2014 provides a wide range of indicators covering the following areas of intellectual property: patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant variety protection.
This is the third part of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — Climate Change 2013/2014 — and was prepared by its Working Group III.
One of the major and growing environmental challenges of the 21st century will be the rehabilitation and restoration of forests and degraded lands. But the success of such restoration requires careful planning.