This overview document provides an introduction to the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme, its work to date, the principles and challenges of offset development, and the programmes vision for the future.
Forest Trends, US
Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP)
This report presents a biogeographic classification for global open ocean and deep sea areas (GOODS). It has been compiled by an international expert group initiated at a workshop held in Mexico City, Mexico, in January 2007, and is based on the input of many scientists and managers.
Animals need adequate resources so that their populations not only survive but thrive. So they seek places that can best provide them. Yet, they face several challenges, while obtaining these resources, e.g., predators, competitors and physical obstacles: mountains and rivers.
During the past several years, biofuels in rich countries have come to be regarded as an important option for reducing consumption of petroleum, which is a main policy goal as a result of recent high oil prices, energy security concerns, and global climate change.
Sulle, Emmanuel
Nelson, Fred
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
This document attempts to provide a roadmap at recognising and evaluating threats to any Tiger Reserve and formulating an appropriate response to such threats.
This paper applies contingent valuation to assess public awareness of tropical deforestation; to investigate the willingness to pay (WTP) to conserve tropical forests; and to determine the impact of the payment vehicle on the stated willingness to pay.
Huberman, David
Faust, Anne-Kathrin
Baranzini, Andrea
Centre de Recherche Appliquée en Gestion (HEG), CH
These Guidelines have been developed in response to requests for further information on the practical adoption and application of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF), with a special focus on its human dimensions.
In 2009, the International Seabed Authority, in conjunction with the Energy, Environment and Development Programme of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in the United Kingdom, convened a seminar for a group of invited experts to discuss the issues associated with article
Flussauen spielen für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt, den naturverträglichen Hochwasserschutz und die Anpassungen an den Klimawandel eine wichtige Rolle.
Final Report of the Task Force 06/2007 constituted by the PPV & FRA, vide OM No. PPV & FRA/6-22/07/1312, dated October, 08, 2007, to identify the agrobiodiversit hotspots in India for the purposes of the "National Gene Fund" usage.
Nayle, Greg
Singh, A. K. (Anirudh K.)
Narayanan Nair, K.
India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
India, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority (PPV & FRA)
Final Report of the Task Force 06/2007 constituted by the PPV & FRA, vide OM No. PPV & FRA/6-22/07/1312, dated October, 08, 2007, to identify the agrobiodiversit hotspots in India for the purposes of the "National Gene Fund" usage.
Nayle, Greg
Singh, A. K. (Anirudh K.)
Narayanan Nair, K.
India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
India, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority (PPV & FRA)
Mit der Verabschiedung des UN-Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt im Jahr 1992 und dem Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG) von 2002 hielt der Begriff biologische Vielfalt Einzug in die Naturschutzkonzeptionen in Deutschland.
Wie kaum ein anderer Wirtschaftszweig ist der Tourismus auf eine ansprechende Natur und Umwelt angewiesen. Die Naturschönheiten und die kulturelle Ausstattung eines Landes, stellen ein wichtiges Kapital dar, dessen Sicherung für den Tourismus daher von großer Bedeutung ist.
Nationalparke vorfolgen in erster Linie Naturschutzziele. Traditionell spielen sie darüber hinaus eine Rolle als Destinationen des Naturtourismus. Vom Tourismus gehen vielfältige Wirkungen aus, welche sich im ökonomische Bereich zumindest in Teilen eindeutig monetär quantifizieren lassen.
Außerschulischen Lernorten kommt für die Ausgestaltung der zweiten Halbzeit der UN-Dekade Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (2005-2014) (BNE) sowie für die Umsetzung der Nationalen Strategie zur biologischen Vielfalt eine große Bedeutung zu.
This document underpins the NERC marine science community's response to the UK government consultation on the proposed marine protected area in the British Indian Ocean Territory; relates specifically to the 55 islands of the Chagos Archipelago and surrounding marine ecosystems.
United Kingdom, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Turning the Tide: A Global Aquarium Strategy for Conservation and Sustainability (WAZA, 2009) is the detailed response of the international aquarium community to the, more general, World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy published by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA, 2005).
Sea turtles are affected by a range of different factors, some natural and others caused by human activities, including fishing operations. As a result, all sea turtle species whose conservation status has been assessed are considered to be threatened or endangered.
Mit der Roten Liste Wirbeltiere wird der erste Band einer neuen, insgesamt sechsteiligen aktuellen Roten Liste vorgelegt. Seit der Herausgabe der letzten Roten Liste der Tiere im Jahr 1998 wurden die methodischen Grundlagen weiter entwickelt.
Les aires protégées jouent un rôle important dans le maintien des systèmes écologiques qu'elles renferment, en particulier pour l'équilibre et la conservation de la biodiversité (à toutes les échelles).