Since 2004 Germany established ten Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the German Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ, 12-200 nautical miles zone) of the North and Baltic Sea as a contribution to the European Natura 2000 network.
Pusch, Christian
Pedersen, Soren Anker
Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), DK
Terrestrische und semi-terrestrische Lebensräume an den Küsten von Nord- und Ostsee stehen im besonderen Maße im Spannungsfeld verschiedenster Nutzungsansprüche. Bemühungen zum Erhalt naturnaher Biotope konkurrieren in diesem Bereich u.a.
Der Schutz und Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt ist eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Auf-gabe. Dem Ökologischen Landbau mit seinem hohen Naturschutzpotenzial kommt hierbei eine besondere Bedeutung zu.
An abridged version of FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper no. 520, this document provides a "road map" for developing and implementing better management of sea cucumber fisheries.
Ils parcourent les forêts les plus éloignées, mesurent les arbres et analysent même la forêt à vol d'oiseau -- ce sont les équipes de l'Inventaire Forestier National (IFN). L'IFN informe sur l'état, le développement et les fonctions de la forêt Suisse.
Switzerland, Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV)
Switzerland, Office fédéral de l'environnement, des forêts et du paysage (OFEFP)
Switzerland, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL)
The 2010 Asia-Pacific Disaster Report (APDR) is the first biennial report of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction for Asia and the Pacific (UNISDR AP) office.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
This synopsis has been produced to highlight the core aspects of the first three volumes of Natural Capital of Mexico, which gives us an overview to identify priorities for future attention, new research areas and options for the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity in Mexico.
This resource is a compilation of resources for communicating the work of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), which might be useful for outreach activities organizations might wish to undertake related to the findings of the MA, on the importance of ecosystem servicse and actions that can b
World Resources Institute (WRI)
World Bank
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
The key message of this publication is that the occurrence of the global economic and financial crisis and the interrelated climate, food, and water crises offers a window of opportunity to embark on a path of more resilient and sustainable economic growth.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Written by a team of independent experts who are each covering the country or region from which they hail, the UNESCO Science Report 2010 analyses the trends and developments that have shaped scientific research, innovation and higher education over the past five years.
This report considers the status and trends of pan-European biodiversity in a range of ecosystems, and the implications of these trends for biodiversity management policy and practice.
Cet ouvrage collectif est un support pour l'enseignement et fait le point sur les recherches actuelles à l'interface entre la biodiversité et les enjeux de santé publique et vétérinaire, en réussant des chercheurs aux compétences et origines très variées: écologie, biologie de la conser
This publication summarises the main findings of an assessment of the 2006EU Biodiversity Action Plan which reviewed the progress made on each of the 150 actions that made up the plan and an EU 2010 Biodiversity Baseline report produced by the European Environment Agency.
Futurability is derived from the German zukunft (future) and fähigkeit (potential or ability). "Sustainability" and "sustainable development" are globally recognized modern terms. However, both of these include the meaning of "maintaining the current status quo".
Hatada, Aya
Ichikawa, Masahiro
Yamamura, Norio
Yumoto, Takakazu
Nakashizuka, Tohru
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), JP
This booklet is for biodiversity campaigners, policy makers and media who are open to radically changing our biodiversity message, in order to radically increase action.
Like all the Arguments for Protection series, this report is primarily an attempt to assemble evidence about the positive benefits that can be provided by protected areas, in this case focusing on human health.
This report summarises the findings of a study, conducted between 2001 and 2002, which aimed to test the effectiveness of these strategies in reconciling biodiversity conservation and socio-economic development interests, in particular through interventions that both improved livelihoods and resu
Blomley, Tom
Namara, Agrippinah
McNeilage, Alastair
Franks, Phil
Rainer, Helga
Donaldson, Andrew
Malpas, Robert C.
Olupot, William
Baker, Julia
Sandbrook, Chris
Bitariho, Robert
Infield, Mark
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (Water Framework Directive), die Fauna-Flora-Habitatrichtlinie (Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive) und die Vogelschutz-richtlinie (Birds Directive) sind wesentliche Säulen einer europäischen Umweltpolitik.
Der vorliegende Band gibt in 21 Artikeln die Beiträge des im April 2008 in der internationalen Naturschutzakademie auf der Insel Vilm durchgeführten Seminars Naturschutz-Monitoring in Deutschland Stand und Perspektiven wieder.
In der Ise-Niederung im Landkreis Gifhorn wurde zwischen 1990 und 1995 ein umfassendes Erprobungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben im Bereich Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege durch BMU und BfN gefördert, das mit Unterbrechungen von 1989 bis 2007 durch ein interdisziplinär angelegtes Forschungsprogr
While some argue that trade liberalization has raised incomes and led to environmental protection in developing countries, others claim that it generates neither poverty reduction nor sustainability.
This guide discusses options to structure investment contractsin ways that maximise the investment's contribution to sustainable development. The focus is on foreign investment in the natural resource sector and on lower- and middle-income countries.
Cotula, Lorenzo
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Although anthropologists and cultural geographers have explored "place" in various senses, little cross-cultural examination of "kinds of places", or ecotopes, has been presented from an ethno-ecological perspective.
In der Diskussion über die aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen für die Sicherung der biologischen Vielfalt findet sich der Klimawandel stets an vorderer Stelle. Seine Folgen erscheinen bedrohlich, die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen auch für Natur und Landschaft immens.
Überschwemmungen wie die Elbeflut im August 2002 führen uns immer wieder auf dramatische Weise die Notwendigkeit der Hochwasservorsorge vor Augen. Klimawandel und die Ausweitung der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächen verschärfen dabei das Risiko von Schäden auch durch kleinere und lokale Ereignisse.
This guide was developed to help address issues regarding resource consumption and environmental conservation, efficiency and competitiveness in enterprise management, and sustainable consumption and production.
European Union
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
European Commission, Directorate-General Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection
Includes discussion of the conservation activities relating to "les hêtraies du Luzulu-Fagetum", "les phoques" (including Phoca vitulina and Halichoerus grypus), "la cistude d'Europe (Emys orbicularis) and "les grands carnivores" (including Canis Lupus and
Examines the process for the delineation of the outer continental shelf and speculates on the location and feasibility of extraction of the various non-living resources which may occur in these areas.
"Building a future for wildlife" is the slogan of the World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy. Modern zoos and aquariums are playing an increasingly active and important role in conserving species in their natural habitat.