This report seeks to share understanding of the roots of plastic polymer pathways to the Baltic Sea, then moves to defining the nature and extent of the problem, then passes to the impacts on sea ice habitat and marine species of the region.
Le plastique a pénétré chaque aspect de notre vie : des vêtements aux peintures en passant par les véhicules et les produits d’hygiène. Le plastique est bon marché, durable, léger et malléable, ses usages sont donc quasi illimités.
Plastic pollution originates from various sources. While many industries are taking steps to reduce their dependence on plastic, there is currently no reliable methodology to forecast specifically the extent of the marine plastic leakage from an industry or a country and map potential leakage hot
The ocean represents 97% of the physical habitable space on the planet and is central to sustaining all life on Earth. Since 2000 significant and dedicated effort has been directed at raising awareness and understanding of the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions on the ocean.
The ocean represents 97% of the physical habitable space on the planet and is central to sustaining all life on Earth. Since 2000 significant and dedicated effort has been directed at raising awareness and understanding of the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions on the ocean.
Of the 8,300 million tonnes of plastic produced from 1950 to 2015, only 7% has been recycled while more than half has been discarded in landfill or leaked into the environment. Companies, organisations, and governments are taking measures to tackle plastic pollution.
The purpose of this study on seamount and hydrothermal vent ecosystems is to review the state of knowledge on the subject matter in order to better guide decision-making processes to develop and implement conservation and sustainable management measures, as well as to discuss knowledge gaps and p
Zucchi, Sara
Ternon, Jean-François
Demarcq, Hervé
Ménard, Frédéric
Guduff, Sabrina
Spadone, Aurélie
IUCN, Global Marine and Polar Programme
Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial (FFEM), FR
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), FR
The ocean on which Earth depends for relatively predictable weather, temperature and provisioning of goods and services is now changing more rapidly than it has for millions of years.
Конвенция об охране всемирного культурного и природного наследия, принятая ЮНЕСКО в 1972 г., объединяет страны в их общем стремлении защитить объекты культурного и природного наследия, имеющие выдающееся значение для блага настоящих и будущих поколений.
The 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention unites nations behind a shared commitment to preserve the world’s outstanding cultural and natural heritage for the benefit of present and future generations.
Plastic has penetrated everyday life, and the disadvantages of plastics are becoming more and more visible: large quantities of plastics leak into rivers and oceans, with adverse effects to marine ecosystems and related economic activities.
This policy brief examines the existing Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and ratified National Determined Contributions (NDCs) with regard to the inclusion of specific efforts addressing blue carbon ecosystems, namely mangroves, tidal saltmarshes and seagrasses, as climate mit
The value and role of mangroves, saltmarshes and seagrasses for climate change mitigation was established back in 2009 by reports by IUCN and UNEP to focus attention on addressing a critical gap in national carbon accounting and management.
The purpose of this publication is to provide naturalists, resource managers and scientists with a simple guide to identify all species of seagrasses in the Red Sea. Each species is described in detail using photographs of key and diagnostic features.
The ocean is a major player in the regulation of the world’s climate system. The purpose of the report is to provide information to underpin the outcomes of COP21 and in particular to demonstrate the importance of the role of MPAs in climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Ocean warming may well turn out to be the greatest hidden challenge of our generation. This report represents the most comprehensive review to date on ocean warming.
Ocean warming may well turn out to be the greatest hidden challenge of our generation. This report represents the most comprehensive review to date on ocean warming.
In this publication, several case studies from the African continent illustrate the "nature-based solutions" approach and offer hope that effective solutions to the climate change dilemma can be addressed through local responses that also achieve mutual benefits for biodiversity conservation and
Following the first international workshop on the economics of ocean acidification organized by the Centre Scientifique de Monaco and the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2010, a second international workshop was held in November 2012, which explored the level of risk, and the resilience or
Plastic debris has now become the most serious problem affecting the marine environment, not only for coastal areas of developing countries but also for the world's oceans as a whole.
This report sets out the importance of carbon in the open ocean and, through examples, illustrates the significance and values of some of its major carbon pools and sinks.
This report sets out the importance of carbon in the open ocean and, through examples, illustrates the significance and values of some of its major carbon pools and sinks.
This publication presents proposals from a management workshop on conservation and management measures applicable to high seas areas in the Southern Indian Ocean regarding: (i) a biodiversity initiative; (ii) the principles, objectives and process included in the draft road map developed in suppo
Cohen, Harlan
Freestone, David
Garcia, Serge
Martinez, Carole
Oral, Nilüfer
Rogers, Alex
Verlaan, Philomène
Vousden, David
Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLME)
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), Fisheries Expert Group
This publication presents a legal and institutional gap analysis of the project area, covering five seamount regions, two of which are inside proposed Benthic Protected Areas (BPAs), Atlantis Bank and Coral Seamount, and three outside BPAs.
Lugten, Gail
Verlaan, Philomène
Warner, Robin
Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLME)
The individual and cumulative threats to and effects of the full range of human activities on marine ecosystems and biodiversity in general, and seamounts in particular, in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) are still largely unknown.
Seamounts are topographic rises of the seabed with a limited extent across the summit. There is evidence that seamounts form hotspots of biological activity in the oceans. Why seamounts host abundant populations of fish and other pelagic and aquatic predators is still uncertain.
Rogers, Alex
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
IUCN, Global Marine and Polar Programme
University of Oxford, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, UK