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Integrating environmental safeguards into disaster management : a field manual. Volume 2 : the disaster management cycle

Complete Title: 
Integrating environmental safeguards into disaster management : a field manual. Volume 2 : the disaster management cycle
IUCN Publication



Increasing incidence and intensity of natural disasters and climate change are having over-arching impacts on the environment. Sustainable development is being undermined. Ecological services and their indirect economic values are frequently omitted from assessments. Mainstreaming ecosystem concerns – both ecological and economical – and integrating them into disaster management is essential. This multi-volume manual attempts to provide background information and guidance for integrating environmental concerns into disaster management. Volume 2 describes the disaster management cycle: prevention, mitigation, preparedness, relief, recovery and rebuilding. It introduces an integrated approach to assessments that examines biodiversity, ecosystem services, economic valuation and livelihoods, listing steps and introducing questions that must be raised in order to integrate environmental concerns into disaster management. These steps and questions are designed around the framework of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and its identified threats.

Monographic Series no.: 
Colombo, LK: Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group Asia, IUCN, 2008
Physical Description: 
v, 43p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references. This is the second volume of two (third one forthcoming).


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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2025/01/04