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Soilless agriculture guidelines

Complete Title: 
Soilless agriculture guidelines : operation and maintenance manual and design of soilless agriculture techniques and solar system raft and drip irrigation basins hydroponics systems
IUCN Grey Literature



Soilless agriculture is a modern technology created to enable growing crops in an environment where traditional technologies are median. Several techniques stem from soilless agriculture e.g. hydroponics and aquaponics. Limited water resources, variations of precipitation and frequent droughts are typical challenges for arid areas. Hydroponics offer solutions to rationalize water consumption in arid to semi-arid areas particularly when agriculture is a main activity in those areas. This manual provides farmers with a clear methodology for impelenting soilless cultivation. In addition, the manual provides tips on how to use and maintain a solar system and a ready-made design drawing of the hydroponic system as a reference drawing for implementing the system.

Gland, Switzerland : IUCN, 2023
Physical Description: 
iv, 30p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Broad subject:

Call number:

Record created: 2023/09/01
Record updated: 2023/09/22